Sunday, January 27, 2013

Surprise Package

Usually my sister will be the one sharing about the very cool packages she receives, being that is one of her favorite things and the fact that she is very active in sending (and receiving), I on the other hand am not that active (forgive me Giova) but nonetheless get super excited when I receive surprise packages and lovely mail. Yesterday was my lucky day because not only did I get mail from my sister; I got a very special package from my friend Tess.

Isn't this a beautiful bunting? I had never seen one so unique. My friend's aunt made it! Now I think I need to meet her!
The ribbon is vintage from an antique store in Michigan, so so lovely! And my Barbie card...and the very cool 'matrioskas' tape on the envelope. Thank you so much Tess, you truly brought a smile to my heart!
As always, my sister's package (thank you, merci, gracias Giova) came in a lovely envelope and with two very cool postcards: 'Cat with fish on its mind' by Jane Ormes and the 'Guardians of the macaron' by Kate Wilson
Have you received exciting mail lately?

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. En mi vida habia visto un "bunting" de ese tipo. Es absolutamente ESPECTACULAR!!!! Las telas, las siluetas, el perfecto estado. Que regalo tan hermoso. Y las CINTAS, y la TARJETA DE BARBIE........

    1. cierto es increible! y el detalle del paquete encantador!

  2. Esos paquetes de "GIOVA" siempre son DIVINOS!!!!!!!! Los empaques, las tarjetas, el cuidadoso detalle de los sobres, las estampillas. Siempre tan especial......... Tan especiales!!!!!!!

    1. Si definitivamente ella siempre se ha lucido con todo el cuento de la divino todo!

  3. Snail mail is the best! This bunting is gorgeous.

    1. I agree! Snail mail is the best I really have to be more active with it- Giova is the master! This bunting is very beautiful indeed doesn't it make you wonder about its past? ;)

  4. Bunting lovers unite! :) It was so lovely to meet you at ALT! Hope you're having a blast at the gift show, safe travels back to Europe :)

    1. Buntings do make everything better, I think. I'm back, and all was great at the gift fair. It was great meeting you too!

  5. Surprises are always exciting! Just like how moving to a new country can be a life-changing experience. If you're considering Australia, consulting an Australian Migration Agent can make the process smooth and stress-free!


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