Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Arriving and departing

While my sister is saying goodbye to the wonderful NYC, I'll be heading to our hometown Cali! The flight was good and in no time (3hours 40minutes). I'm where it feels as though a blazing summer is occurring, but furtunately a light breeze comes from the mountain and its feels marvelous. Every time I'm visiting- which is often because my boyfriend lives here- it feels right, somehow our roots make that happen I guess.

The sunset was our companion for most of the flight
And I love waking up to this view!
One of the things that I truly miss are the mountains, and all the green that comes with it. I'm blessed to be here and be able to find it everywhere I look! I'll keep you posted on my adventures while in Cali; my boyfriend's birthday is tomorrow; I have a few appointments with some really cool artists; in my schedule there is always time to eat delicious food; travel around the city and its outskirts; and then comes Valentine's day- one of my favorite celebrations!

Have a happy Wednesday!


  1. Hasta el sol entrando por la ventanilla del avion me trae a la memoria muchos momentos............ Ni que decir de las montanas y el sonido del viento y los pajaritos.......... Ahhhh...

  2. Ay si mami! Es increible todo...y los pajaritos son maravillosos!
