Monday, October 20, 2014

Meeting Nathalie Lété at Villa Augustus

It is good to be back (but more on that at the bottom of this page**)!

This past saturday after reading here that one of my favorite illustrators/designers would be visiting Villa Augustus for a book launch and book signing  I got in the car (with my 13 year old) and headed to Dordrecht.

I've been one time before to Villa Augustus (see here) and couldn't wait to be back. Thankfully both times I've been there the weather has been just perfect, making this place even more magical.

I think having Nathalie Lété here to open room number 24 which has been converted into a gallery called Herfst (Autumn) was the perfect choice, and fit for this exhibition. Don't you agree?

It was so pretty that day. The food from the restaurant super delicious, and the conversations with my son too funny. I'm so happy I get to enjoy days like this one, and share them with him.

***so as I was saying… it is good to be back. sorry for taking longer, my kids are on vacation and that always interferes with my blogging enthusiasm (wink), but here is the news which in reality are not really news because it has been going on for awhile -the fact that we need to move because we can not afford Amsterdam anymore, the problem to the news is that we still don't know where to go or when to actually leave. it can pretty much happen any day. the day i wrote the post, it seemed that we would leave in december to stay at my mom's for sometime- for now i'm pretty much ignoring the uncertainty and going day to day (as i should) and i'm trying not to worry too much (trying).

I wish you a colorful week ahead filled with lots of inspiring moments,


  1. Lovely photo's you took. It was a great day and so sorry I missed you again (I was in Amsterdam on Saturday) The gallery is so wonderful and the garden still so pretty. Couldn't be better right? I'm glad you visited. Xx

    1. I saw on your IG feed that you were in Amsterdam, and I was "I missed her… again!"
      She is really the perfect match for the Villa. And the weather was in full cooperation mode, simply amazing!!

  2. Ok, I'm totally in love with Nathalie Lété now! These photos are absolutely gorgeous and I want to re-do my house exactly like this space. Jxo

    1. Isn't she amazing?? So colorful and magical! I think your house already has this vibe;) I'm in love with her books, postcards, tote bag, scarf, etc… :)

  3. Me sorprendiste!!! Y estos espacios y personas magicas y colores de vida y de inspiracion. Me fascina...

    1. personas magicas, es increible cuando se conocen!

  4. I'm just catching up with blogs.
    Oh, my, what news indeed! Very challenging times for you my friend.

    I'm hoping that, like with everything in life, when one door closes another opens. This could be a beautiful adventure once the initial shock and reality of the situation subsides....

    I cannot put myself in those shoes. I don't have children. All I know is that you will find the right paths for you guys. Much love and hugs.

    As for Nathalie L. I have a french friend called Nathalie who is an illustrator. She introduced me to NL back in 2000 and I've been obsessed with her ever since:-)

    So happy you made it there and had a lovely time with your son too.
    If you want to come to London, you're always welcome to stay with me anytime.

    1. Thank you Tina for your words. You are quite correct, life is all about doors closing and opening, and wonderful adventures. My life has been one so far, and I've loved everything in it, even the times when things aren't going the way I think they should be going.
      Anyway, isn't her work incredible??
      I have also been aware of her work for quite sometime, and I've always been an admirer, always wish I could see her studio in Paris! One of these days ;)
