Monday, October 6, 2014

Temporarily out of service

I have some very big news to announce, but  I'm still trying to digest them myself. I'm also trying to figure out which is the best way to say these particular news.

In my experience the best way to say something, is just saying it. I think a week will give me plenty of time to wrap myself around this imminent reality.

In the mean time I'll be trying to finish some things that I started awhile ago and enjoying this wonderful city.

Oh, 2014… you keep surprising me at every turn, you keep punching me in the stomach until there is no breath left!! (Fortunately the punching is not continuos).  So many things that I still need to learn! Oh, well…

One more piece of the puzzle will be placed in this rather enigmatic patchwork quilt that is my life.
For now I'll put my head out to grasp some air… until next week.

Hoping all is well on your end,
all the best,


  1. Oh wow, this is cryptic!! It could be so many different things... Looking forward to hearing all about it next week, Giova!

    1. I would have loved to read the many things this news could be… I was trying to be cryptic, but I think the clues are all there in the post ;)

  2. I think you must be moving. After all you are making time to enjoy the city.

  3. I hope you are ok sweets :))

  4. I second all the comments above! Good luck!

  5. Change is always difficult....but also good......
    Got your note today. I will email more, but I am thinking about you SOOOOooo much, dear Gio.
    Holding you in my heart.....xoxo
