Thursday, October 23, 2014

De Schoolmeester - Paper Mill in Holland

For the love of paper don't ask me why I didn't know of this place before, seriously don't. I only found about it last week when Lynne (whom I've never met) ask me on FB, if I knew were to find "zaansch bord." Of course I didn't, but loving all sorts of adventures and errands that take me "to infinity and beyond" I found myself here. 

This is seriously the most incredible place I've visited in a long time, and even if you're not crazy about paper (I couldn't think why, but OK), this place is worth the 20 mins ride from Amsterdam (by car), just to see a mill from 1692 (restored) and still running and making beautiful paper.

De Shoolmeester is the only paper mill here in Holland (there used to be 60)!! The paper they make is guaranteed that it is made from cotton, flax and water from the ditch and it air dried. Though he does not guaranteed the same colors because they vary through batches.

This mill belongs to "De Zaansche Molen" a windmill society who in 1920 rescued this and 19 other mills in the area.

**Beware there are many pictures, and not in order of how paper is made!!

I think I need to go back. I need to walk slower when I'm there, and I'm also missing some colors that for some reason I forget to buy (wink).

De Schoolmeester is locate at Guispad 3, 1551 SX Westzaan
It is open M-F from 10 to 4 and they charge 3.50euros
You can order paper by email:
They ship all over the world!!

Thank you Lynne, for showing me the way!

Wishing you a weekend filled with wonderful adventures,


  1. “Even processed paper still contains an ineluctable hint of the tenderness God put into His trees” ...

    1. Oh, I like this quote a lot! There are no trees involved in the making of the paper ;) surely a lot of wood is in the mill and the whole place, but not the paper! Only cotton or flax :)

  2. What a treasured find!!! It makes me want to visit The Netherlands all over again. I am looking into getting some paper via e-mail. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I new you would be thrilled to see this as I was or better yet, still am!!
      We can go together??

  3. La sensacion de caminar en un sueno... Absolutamente, divino!!!

    1. Si increiblemente divino, y la luz que entraba. Lo mejor fue que paro de llover y se abrio el cielo, todo se hizo mas lindo :)

  4. Wow, Wow, Wow!
    What a great experience and so close to you. Would love to visit next time I come to Amsterdam.

    So wanted to come and visit you.......

    1. I hope you do come to visit, and we can go here, and sigh and go WOW together ;)

  5. What s fantastic find!! When I find myself in Holland I will surely be heading there! Thanks for a lovely peek inside. xx

    1. Oh, you are very welcome. I think it is really a must see here, and I'm still baffled why I never knew about it. Oh well...

  6. Fantastic! I love places like this where the colors are different according to the batches ;) And yes, you should go back and buy more of their paper! What are you using it for? If you dare to? I think I wouldn't dare using it, it's too precious ;)

  7. I would like to order some of this paper.
    How do I do that?

    Thank you.
