Monday, October 27, 2014

As it isn't, it ain't

I love words. Perfect words that arrive at the perfect moment. Just when you need them. To make you laugh, lift you up, sometimes even cry. In one single instant you are transported somewhere else, to some other time or place. Most of the times they hit the right spot.

The above excerpt from Alice in Wonderland was such a case. It made me laugh and hit the right spot. It was perfect for me. It meant so much. It still does. I look at it and it makes me smile now.

 Obviously it needed to be embroidered. That's logic!!

I like it because it is so obvious and real to me right now, but then again, always if I think about it.
"If it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't." Quite simple really, don't you think?

This is where they all hang. If you want to take a closer look at them; here, here, here, and here.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead,


  1. I've actually never heard this quote before. It's making me feel free, though, you know what I mean? :) I love that you embroider the meaningful quotes you find and hang them up, they look beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much and I think I know what you mean. This "excerpt" is in the tweedledee and tweedledum chapter ;)

  2. Curioser and curioser!!!! Aaayyyy lo maissimo por Dios! Apenas abri el blog lo primero que hice fue mirar la foto en grande y leyendo el bordado tan divino pense en la escena y los personajes...divino!!! Gracias lo necesitaba!

    1. Me alegro que te haya gustado. Me dio mucho risa cuando lo leí y lógicamente a bordar se dijo :)

  3. this embroidered quote that you created touched my heart; just as your collection of creations hung so beautifully on the wall-just an emotional reaction to your beautiful creations.....

    1. This makes me so happy. Thank you so much for your words, somehow they arrived at the perfect moment (don't they always?). I'm so happy you like my work, yayyyy!!

  4. I love your embroidered words, Giova! they have such a nice feel to it: it's in the handwriting, the scribbling look with so much detail and so many hours of concentrated work (at least that's what I think it takes, hours & hours and days of embroidering, which makes it extra special). And they look so nice together too!

    1. Thank you dear Judith. This one didn't took as long as the others did (which means only half a day), so not too long ;)

  5. Absolutamente divino!!! Todo...... Oiga. Que trabajo tan divino... Uf!

    1. gracias querida, me alegra que te guste!
