Thursday, October 30, 2014

Crafty people Series #14 - Melissa D'croz

I'm so happy to finally be able to introduce my cousin and her beautiful work in this crafty series. This is one post that was due I think 2 years ago, but something happened with the pictures I took, and so for the first time in the series, the pictures don't belong to me.

Melissa studied fashion design in Madrid, then did a master degree in accessories design, after that she moved to Florence (Italy) where she did more studies on leather goods and pattern making. Now a days you can find her teaching lots of leather workshops in Florence.

I really love the handmade quality of each of her products and her attention to the littlest of  details. I also think the leather weaving she does is simply out of this world. The pictures that follow are just a tiny glimpse of her wonderful work. To see more of her work check out the links below.

1. First Crafty Memory?
    My first memory is just using toilet paper rolls to make dolls.  I also remember doing cross
    stitch flowers with my mother.  I was very little.

2. Favorite Craft you've ever made?

    A purse I was working when I finished my studies. It involved a lot of techniques and also
    a lot of work. The result left me feeling really proud of what I was capable of doing.

3. Favorite material to work with?

    Obviously leather, a thick piece of natural (no dyes) leather. I love the smell and the color.

4. Inspiring words you like?

   "Persist, resist and never desist" it is actually my sister always saying it to me, but I think
    they are the perfect words for me.

5. Favorite Color?

    The color I tend to always gravitate towards is green, I really don't know why, everything 
    ends up being green.

6. Coffee or Tea?

    I love white tea with vanilla

7. Mountains or Beach?

    I like the beach but I think it has to do more with the heat, which is what I love

8. Where do you find inspiration?

     Things I see on the street. The bags doctors used to carry, or the back packs children   
     used to take to school, old bags, also books and movies.

9. What do you collect?

     I own lots of buddhas and also postcards

10. What do you like to make that you haven't yet?

       I would love to make something really big, like a traveling trunk with lots of compartments 
       to put  things in.

You can find her here, also on Facebook and Instagram

I hope you tune in next week for another exciting grateful giveaway!!
Have a great weekend,


  1. Que chevere todas estas preguntas y respuestas. Que bueno poder ver todo ese trabajo tan especial.

  2. I would love to go to Florence and take one of her leather classes....if I could afford it...

  3. you did a great job here. keep going
