Monday, November 3, 2014

A Grateful Giveaway

It is that wonderful time of the year again.  I really can't say why it is that I like November so much, and when this love really started. What I do know,  is that my favorite adopted holiday falls here - Thanksgiving is something I'm always looking forward to. This year (so far) has not been an "easy" one for me, but that does not mean I don't have plenty of things to be thankful for, so as it has become a sort of tradition here in this blog, November starts with a giveaway.

Thank you for sticking around, for your comments and liking what I do.  It really means the world to me!

Here are the few things I've gathered and hope you like them, as much as I do! One more thing is missing, but that will come out on thursday's post.

1. A print by Joseph Segaran. You can see the crafty series here or jump over to his site. I think his work of the buildings of Amsterdam is phenomenal.

2. A 3D ring designed by jeweler Patricia Thomazo. The crafty series is here and her site here. I've seen one of these rings already put together and is quite impressive.

3. A coin purse from leather artist Melissa D'croz. The crafty series is here and her site here. This little leather purse will make a great gift or keepsake.

4. Two flat cards from Miplusdesign. I'm a big admirer of her work and thought the cards would be a great addition to the giveaway.

5. Two rolls of Maste washi-tape, simply because everyone needs washi-tape in their life.

6. A 'fabric scraps garland" made by yours truly.

7. Something that will be appearing on thursday's post but I have the feeling you'll love it, if you like paper that is (wink,wink).

So now for the nitty gritty; THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED!!!

-I still don't understand what all the following is about, especially since you can follow one day and un-follow the next. So follow if you really feel like doing it.  I'm here: Bloglovin, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Etsy.

-Leave a comment here or on the Facebook page telling me what is the one thing you are wishing for this Christmas. I know we all want health, love, happiness, etc… But what I really want to know is this, here is my example; I really, really want this and this. I have been wishing for this since last year, so I'm hoping maybe I get it this year!!

-You can leave a comment until the 12th of November 10pm (Amsterdam time). I will be announcing the winner on thursday the 13th! Oh, and it is open for all!

Thank you so much for playing along and stay tuned for thursday's post where you will be able to see gift #7,
fun fact: Both of my kid's first words were "Gracias." This really happened, when they both decided to speak, this is the first word they uttered. Gracias means thank you in spanish!


  1. I'm grateful we got the chance to meet, and for your beautiful blog which I enjoy reading. With our baby due in a couple of weeks, I don't really have that many wishes except that all goes smoothly and we can spend our first Christmas happily together as a family of four. But you are right, we all like getting gifts, so I would really love to receive the new album by one of my favourite singers, Hafdis Huld :) Hope your wishes come true. Best, Jenni

  2. Dear Giova, i would love to own this great giveaway. The garland is so beautiful" made a mano".

  3. I love all hand made things. They make me feel cozy, warm and happy. I have one of Joseph's drawings so I guess two is better than one?

  4. I'm wishing for a lovely rest, some yummy food and no drama. I also would like books and pretty things ;-) (and of course a bag of goodies from you would be even more extra special!)

  5. What a wonderful giveaway Giova, thank you for the chance of joining in.
    What I really, really want for Christmas is a traditional time with family and friends, with handmade gifts, food and decorations, and the true spirit of the season captured.

  6. Oh goodness, the bunting alone is to die for! Thanks for this chance :)
    Mmh.. for this Christmas I'd really like the book Old Romantic by Louise Dean (the cover really reminds me of Amsterdam but I'm not sure if it takes place there to be honest, I really want it partly for the cover itself eheh), and as a more far fetched dream wish, I'd love an iPad mini just so I can have all my stuff on the go since my phone is too small and I can't seem to type and read very efficiently on it, ha.

    Oh and a fun fact, my first word was "grazie" (thanks in italian) as well! Not exactly perfect, but it's the first one I kept mumbling along with the word for cookie :P

  7. What a generous giveaway! I tend to be pretty practical when it comes to Christmas wishes what I really would like to receive is a good paper cutter. Mine is cheap and ends up tearing the paper. So I just use scissors.
    Many blessings for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  8. What a lovely give away. I especially enjoyed how you referenced all of the items so we could go see more. For Christmas I am wishing for a Gelli Arts Gel Printing Plate ( ) Just another expansion of my growing creative skills.

  9. Dear Giova, what lovely things....! Well, what I'd really like for Christmas is a small studio space so I can leave all my work out without having to pack it away, and lots more time to use it!

  10. So many lovely things in one giveaway! I'm a big fan of being grateful even if life is the shits (excuse the language). And Juan should totally get you that dog for Christmas (are you reading this Juan?!). Skip the Instax though...Chloe got one last year and it's not all it's cracked up to be. The one thing I really want for Christmas this year is to get through a 2 week trip in India without any of getting sick (please please please). Oh and an iphone 6 ;)

  11. Lovely giveaway. Something I'd really like for Christmas is some pink fluorescent paint by Golden. It's not something I'd normally buy for myself!

  12. Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win all this lovely items.Love all kinds of garlands and this made by you is so interesting.I would love to get any crochet book and Big Santa's Bag filled with yarn =o),also Praktica photo camera would be great.Have a lovely week.

  13. What a cool give away. The thing i really want for christmas is a set of white pencils. In the last few months i experimented with drawing mountains and i'm using almost 1 with pencil in a month on the moment :-)

  14. I love your fabric garlands...what a lovely giveaway! As I've recently become obsessed with stitching small things, I'd love to receive a big bag of fabric scraps to play with.

  15. For this Christmas I would love to have a new bike that is lighter. I recently moved to a new place and the way there is quite hilly. I feel every single gram of my good old bike. Time for a change (hopefully)! -Maria

  16. Yay, I didn't know you were also on IG so now I'm following you there as well! Love the giveaway, especially the fabric scraps bunting... dûh. ;D I really wish Santa Claus would come for once because I really fancy the Vitamix super blender - a 'must have' for vegans but soooooo expensive! Happy November!

  17. Beautiful + generous giveaway!

    I would love luggage for Christmas! I've lived abroad for 3 years (each separated by a year home), and borrowed luggage from friends/family for each of those years.

  18. What a fun giveaway! What I would love for Christmas, I don't normally think of myself, but a new pair of cowboy boots maybe some with flowers...I love flowers.

  19. How sweet of you! What I'd love for Christmas is to win your giveaway....seriously, what I'd really love is a room of my own - a great big one with space for all my projects - while I still have breath and strength to work at them. Blessings to you and yours!!

  20. Ohh what a lovely giveaway Giova - I love all of it - :)) Thanks so much for the opportunity. I have wished for a new camera for quite some time now, but that's not really on the cards, so I'll be more than happy with gifts from my girls and I have my fingers crossed for this - have a fab weekend,

  21. This is so very generous of you! I'm hoping for these Alex drawers from IKEA so I can organize all my crafty things and my snail mail things.

  22. My wish is for a week or weekend of art. Watercolor, crafts, some kind of artsy adventure!

  23. Oh please Juan, get Giova a sweet little puppy! Such a lovely giveaway, what a great package! Love that it includes something by Mipluseddesign too! I started following her on IG through you and love following her in her studio and in Milan etc. And love love love your fun fact! For Christmas I'd love a nice backpack. A small regular backpack because hiking with my daily handbag is just ridiculous. And a new camera would be nice too ;) Gracias Santa!

  24. My goodies arrived today! They are all so gorgeous and I am soooo grateful! Thank yooou :-) xx

    1. I'm so glad you liked it all!! You are very welcome :)
