Monday, August 18, 2014

Holding on to bits of the past

Being back to the city where I was born has brought back quite a big load of memories. Things like flavors, sights and scents.  The things we tend to forget when we are no longer exposed on a daily basis to them, simple things that make you feel you have arrived, that you are back, that you belong.

I have always struggled to understand where I belong. Even if I was born here, I never felt I belonged.  Ever since I can remember, I always wanted to leave this place. Eventually I left and even if I still feel like I don´t belong anywhere, I reached a safe place in my heart where I don´t need to belong to a place anymore.

If I let those memories of my adolescence come afloat then I can go back and hold on to those bits of the past that are still inside of me (which to my relief are plenty). Coming back here doesn´t feel like "coming home" anymore, but I still get to enjoy the wonderful things this place has to offer, and walk a bit down on memory lane.

This is a beautiful place despite the terrible reputation it has gained throughout the years. People are warm and welcoming, the food is glorious, and the sights are breathtaking. Like any other country in the world it has its good and bad things, it just depends on where you look or the perspective you take.

So far I´ve been taking it all in, as if I was seeing it all for the first time.Enjoying every single second so it will last me another fours year or more before I get to come back again, and holding on to those bits of the past because I don´t want to forget.

I wish you a very wonderful day,


  1. Es tan lindo!!! Esas montañas, ese verde, esas vistas...y la comidita ni se diga! Aprovecha al maximo! Wish I was there!

    1. Aprovechando ya que nunca se cuantos años pasaran otravez antes de volver!

  2. I like how you describe that you are in a safe place in your heart where you don't need to belong to a place anymore. So I guess you found that giant pamplemousse in Cali then! I've heard the fruit in Colombia is nothing alike the European versions. Have a lovely time and soak it all in! xx

    1. Yes, the giant grapefruit was from a farm close to the city, and yes Colombia has one of the biggest varieties of fruit in the world. Frutarians come here and are in ¨heaven." Nino is super happy every time he visits because of that (and other things as well) but he is a fruit lover ;)
      I am enjoying every little thing!

  3. ... y lo que queda, esta tatuado en el alma!!! si? o que..........

    1. Se queda un pedazo, el otro el tiempo lo borra, que es una buena cosa, pienso yo!

  4. Glad you're having a good time and looking at it all from an adult perspective. Best placde to be.

    1. Totally agree. It is the most blissful place to be, adulthood I mean. Colombia was great too!
