Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Best book I read this summer

I've been reading quite a lot lately, it is summer after all. A bit of catching up was long over due, just me and the books (my husband was starting to worry I might get stuck to the sofa).

I read all sorts of genres, I'm not picky at all when it comes to books. I even read quite a lot of youth fiction which I don't tend to admit openly, simply because every one in this house makes fun of me (except of course, the little one).

I try to avoid recommending books because I think you need to know the person you are recommending the book really well, but I do love when people give me books or talk with passion about them. I usually tend to read what people recommend.

Everything I Ever Done That Worked is such a case. Tina, a blogging friend who I happened to meet for lunch some months ago told me about this book. Now I must tell you about it as well. I liked it so much that I'm breaking the rule of no recommending books.

It was really the perfect summer read. It is not a work of fiction, and I don't want to put it in the self-help category. It is simply what the title explains, and it is written in short stories. I found it inspiring, a sort of handbook for enriching your life. I couldn't put it down because I was so curious to read the next story, that I read it rather quickly, but I think it is meant to be read slowly.

I'm looking forward to re-reading bits and having it on my night stand so I can read it when I need inspiration or encouraging thoughts.

I hope you get it to read it, and I'm crossing my fingers that you like it as much as I did.

Thank you Tina for telling me about this lovely book!

** We travelled all day yesterday, and have arrived safely to our destination. The time zone is not the same so bear with me this next 2 weeks. I will tell you where I am on monday.

All the best,


  1. Thank you for sharing! I also read all kind of books, including youth fiction. And I love books for kids. I just bought Alle Welt. Das Landkartenbuch by Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielinska, a beautifully illustrated atlas. Not so much to read, but a lot to discover. I think you might like it. There is also an English version called Maps. Enjoy your travelling!

    1. I will definitely have a look as I am certain I will like them. What are the youth fiction books you read?

  2. Ok, lost my comment - will try again...

    Glad you enjoyed the book and yes, it's hard to recommend books to people we don't know very well. I took a risk and it paid off:-)
    I agree it's very much a book to keep on a night table. It helped me when I couldn't sleep or in need of a soothing and affirming voice. I also first read it cover to cover, but have since been dipping in and out.

    I also highly recommend Lesley's other 2 books, especially 'Everything I've Ever Learned About Love'. It completely changed my view on Love.

    @handmade by tanteute I love the book MAPS (English) and have blogged about it. They recently also released the Maps Activity Book.

    Giova, enjoy your vacation and I'm so glad we met x

    1. thank you Tina, I'll have a look!

    2. I will be looking into her other books as I enjoyed this one so much, and gave me so much to think about that I am sure I will love all her other ones.
      Thanks again :)

  3. Oooh can I borrow? After it has been on your nightstand long enough, anyway. I love young adult books, as you know. Looking at my bookshelf, I saw quite a few books that I want to lend you for Luca :)

    1. Of course you can, and thanks for thinking of Luca. He is now finishing The book Thief, but he has a pile of unread ones, so I will let you know. Thank you!!
