Thursday, August 21, 2014

Colombian Fruits (some)

One of the things about visiting the place where you grew up is that you get to revisit your past through food.
Fruits is such a case since they are everywhere you look. For example, if I go to the bank there is a huge mango tree outside it´s door, and just one meter from the door, there is a woman selling whatever is in season, which means mostly everything.

We not only eat the fruit but we constantly drink the juice (or jugo) from the fruits every single day and from morning until night. To be honest I am not an eater of fruit, but a drinker of juice.

I´ve been trying to get my oldest to taste the typical  fruits (especially the least common ones) and learn their names. Even if we don´t live here I still want him to know and understand why Colombian fruits have quite a reputation, and it is not everyday that you get to taste so many tropical fruits in one sitting.

From top (clockwise, sort of ): Chirimoya (white pulp, black seeds), Granadilla, Lulo (mostly for juice), Zapote, Mamey, Guayaba Coronilla, Guayaba (guava), Pitaya (dragon fruit), Curuba (mostly for juice), and Tomate de arbol (literally translated as tomato from the tree, and also mostly for juice).

Zapote is one of my favorites to eat, not only do I love the taste, but it brings my childhood instantly back.

I hope all is well, and I wish you a wonderful weekend ahead,
P.S: Sorry for the blueish tint from the pictures, I´m not used to a windows computer and I have no idea where to fix that problem!!


  1. Quedaron increible las fotos! Me encantan todas esa frutas mandame si?

    1. Ya averigue y la mandada es imposible ;)

  2. The fruits look so tasty, enjoy every bit or sip of it, and Colombia!

    1. Thank you! I did enjoy every second and every fruit!

  3. Wow, these look GREAT! I haven't seen at least half of these ever! And cannot even imagine their tastes. I totally prefer eating fruiting, but juice is nice every once in a while. Have a wonderful fruity weekend, Giova!

    1. The wonderful thing about being below the equator is the assortment of fruits, and well the weather too!! I hope you get to taste them one day, I'm sure you will love them all!!

  4. I lived in Barranquilla for 3 years and MiSS the wonderful fruit!

    1. Oh, I can imagine. It does get a lot of getting used to the bland and unripe taste of most Colombian fruits every where else. On the other hand it is a good thing you got to taste them all ;)

  5. These colours are amazing, you can just drink them in.

    1. Thank you! I was a bit worried the blueish tint will ruin the effect.

  6. El colorido, los sabores y aromas, estan por siempre tatuados en la memoria....... Y esto es tan solo un "antesala". ...que tal?

    1. Es solo una minima parte del repertorio, desafortunadamente solo le tome fotos a estas!!

  7. Wow...... loving all the richness of colour and texture!!!

    1. Thank you Tina!! It was amazing to be able to taste them all again.
