Friday, May 23, 2014

Versions of Julie Arkell's bunch of flowers brooch

I have mentioned before that one of the best things about joining a workshop is not only the teacher's work (which is the main reason why I go to a workshop). But also quite importantly, is the other participant's work. It is quite amazing to be able to see how all the other people approach each task, and how different each and everyone's work is. The flowers above are Julie Arkell's bunch of flowers.

These lovely bunch is from Judith.

These very cute ones are from Nancy.

These delicate ones are from Pat.

And these are from me.

I know I showed them before, but wanted to show them again with the others. As usual, I didn't like mine as much as I liked my friend's, so tiny and delicate. Since I got back and I don't have my friend's around to compare mine with, I have started to like mine more. Actually, a lot!

Aren't they all incredibly beautiful, and so different from the teacher's? I love how our personalities flow into our work, the colors and styles we chose and in the end it is just a bit of us. Even if we were inspired by someone to start with.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,


  1. Cada "manojito" de esas flores, es mas divino que el otro. Y lo mejor, es la historia que cuenta cada flor.... cada puntada... hermoso!!!

  2. We all compare!!!
    They are all gorgeous and individual, that's what makes them beautiful.

    Glad you're liking yours more:-)

  3. I know, sometimes I wish we didn't and I think we would be happier, or maybe we would just settle?
    Now I wear mine all the time, and it makes me happy!

  4. AnonymousJuly 31, 2022

    Are they made with YoYos?
