Friday, May 30, 2014

Things I Love #4 - London finds

Sorry for this week's interruption. The kids are on a break (again), and I got a bit sick (again). So as not to go further into things, I will just resume what was intended for this week.

This post has turned out to be a bit random (again). This is how my camera roll looks like, a bit of this, and a bit of that, but always things I love. These are still from my London and West Dean trip.

I love:

  • Beautiful stores like Cloth House, where every single nook and cranny is filled with inspiration (and thing you wish you could buy), and the window display is just superb
  • fabric, fabric, fabric,
  • and buntings
  • Sharing an afternoon tea with a good friend with lots of talk and laughter. The clotted cream and nice china is just an added bonus
  • Paper garlands using Liberty paper (at the Liberty store obviously), I would have done them differently though *wink, wink
  • Neon signs
  • Rooms with views. The first picture is the view from my room at West Dean, the second is from my room in London after I complained that the room assigned at the beginning was overlooking the trash and the noisy street. Pheeww!! Sometimes it helps to complain I guess.

Have a great weekend,


  1. Que queres que diga????? Para mi todas esas cosas son de mi mas profundo "arraigo"... Me encanta que lo disfrutes tanto y tanto... Divino todo! AAAhhhhhhh....

    1. Ese almacén si que te hubiera encantado, todas las telas son de la India, espectaculares!!
