Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Matisse at the Tate Modern

I need to share this with you, simply because it was one of the highlights of my trip. My friend Catalina invited me to this exhibition (early birthday present), and it was perfect in every single way.

You are not allowed to take pictures in there (that is the reason why you see all those people). Yes I didn't follow the rules. "But only a few," I said to no one in particular.

I love him, all of his oeuvre. He is one of the reasons why I love art and why I went to do a masters in art history. And here it was (some of his work), his very brilliant work,  his paper cut-outs, his colors, his handwriting. I couldn't take off the silly smile that I had, all throughout.

If I lived in London, I'd be going there every other day (or so I say because I don't live there). If you are traveling there or find this exhibition in the near future next to you, do go and be mesmerized. Go and get a silly smile on your face.

Look at that writing! I'm in love all over again. I tell you, it doesn't get more inspiring and beautiful than this, but then again, it does.

"Seek the strongest color effect possible… the content is of no importance."  
-Henri Matisse

Have a very colorful day,


  1. ...rompiste las reglas, por una razon! nos diste la oportunidad de disfrutar aunque fuera por "encimita", tanta belleza. Yo personalmente, te doy las gracias!!!!

  2. Aayyyy estar enamorado es...yo tambien quede con sonrisita de ver las fotos! Espero visitar esta expo asap!

    1. a que si, de pronto, es lo mas probable!

  3. Wonderful pictures, thanks for the vicarious visit! That silly smile is what I wore on my first ever visit to London, navigating the tube and then the well marked walk to the Tate Modern. Happy times.

    1. Happy times indeed, especial when the silly smile sits upon your face and never leaves.
      I'm glad you liked the visit :)

  4. love love loooooooove Henri Matisse's work! I saw many of the cut outs exhibited at the TATE last year in the Matisse museum in the North of France (you should go there by the way!!!!) and it's SO good. I'd join you for a daily/weekly trip to this exhibition in a heartbeat. Thanks for taking illegal pictures too! xx

    1. I've been wanting to go to that museum for such a long time but I'm never able for some reason or another.
      You welcome for the illegal pictures, I'm glad I didn't get busted. So may people were though!

  5. I am so glad that you "Broke The Rules!" Those photos of his work are just right and incredibly inspiring!! I had never seen the white on Kraft.....on you know me! LOVE IT!
    BTW....are in at home (in Amsterdam) mid-July or beginning of August? We are making our travel plans.....and need to see friends in Zaltbommel and I would LOVE to see where YOU are, too.

    1. The white and kraft really blew me away, I had never seen those either, and loved them!
      At this moment I'm not sure what are summer plans are, but I'll keep you posted :)

  6. Ha. Glad you recorded it. Listen Sir Paul Smith took pictures and IG them. So did I (of course) What do we all have in common? We're rebels.
    And I DO live in London and I've been 4 times. Every other day is a little much but I have time till September...:-)

    1. Long live the rebels!!
      It makes me happy to know you have seen it many times, go often, and enjoy it every time!
