Monday, June 2, 2014

Quite difficult

Do you know how difficult it is to find a poem I want to embroider? Quite! And do you know how difficult it is not to get sick every other week? Very, very!!

I've been thinking my immune system took a break and it is somewhere in the Caribbean getting all soaked up and relaxed. I'm not sure which island it is at exactly or when it will be back. I just hope (fingers crossed) that it doesn't like it too much over there, and decides to join me soon.

It hasn't been fun having one thing after another, week after week, and month after month.

Crafting, embroidering, even reading has been a struggle, but somehow some days I find a bit of strength, like magic, and I get to do the things I like.

I haven't wanted to complain or talk about it here on the blog, because it is nothing serious, and I know that there are much bigger issues than this one, but it has been what has been going on in my life. Like this embroidered handkerchief that took a long time in the making and eventually found its way out, I'm pretty sure I will too.

It amuses me that I decided on a poem that is called Prayer, and whose first line says; "God give me the strength to lead a double life." One where I get to craft, and another where I get to be sick without being annoyed that I'm sick.

Without knowing it back then, this was exactly what I needed. Even though this poem is about something else, I like what the part I embroidered means to me.

I think with some things, I have to learn to take it slow and allow the process to unfold itself, without forcing it, and without getting impatient. I really need to work hard on that issue (and of course so many others as well).

I'm trying to accept that there is a process to everything and that even if I want things to work out quickly and the way I want them to, they simply won't because they must take their time.

I hope all is well on your side, and if you want to share with me some of the things you do to take it slow, I would love to hear them.

Wishing you a great beginning into the month of June,


  1. What a beautiful embroidery. And I hope you get well soon. The thing I do to take it slow is drinking a cup of my favorite tea and just draw or write something that doesn't need to be great.

    1. Thank you so much!!
      I do try drinking the tea, but it never is as relaxing as I wish it would be. Somehow it always gets cold because I have to do something else :)

  2. Such a beautiful way to take things slow and to give your hands something to do (it surely is a wonderful remedy for a busy mind and a tired body). My thoughts were going in the same direction today in the morning. Yet another monday, yet another pile of work, yet another week that starts with sleep deprivation. Like you, I have decided to change my focus. Instead of mourning after the weekend that has passed too quickly, as so often, I celebrated monday morning with a walk in the lush green, breakfast in the garden and wide opened windows in my studio...

    I send you a summer breeze from Sweden, dear Giova, hope you will be feeling better soon

    1. Thank you so much Juliane!
      Changing direction or focusing on something else usually works for me as well. In a way taking time off to appreciate other things in order to appreciate more what we were doing in the first place (or something like this?). The sleep deprivation part is one thing that doesn't help one bit right?
      I loved the picture from your studio :)

    2. Yes, I totally understand the 'taking time off to appreciate other things in order to appreciate more what we were doing in the first place', Giova. It really helps me when the daily routine is rather difficult to handle, when everything seems too much. It is so important for us, who work with something creative, to dedicate a few moments each day on something that recharges our batteries...

  3. Oh dear, what a wonderful work! I am working on a poem embroidery, too. Gonna send you some photos soon. Love and a hudge hug.

    1. Can't wait to see the pictures, I'm sure it will be beautiful!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you've been getting sick so often! That embroidery is beautiful, though. I've never tried stitching cursive before. :) Hope you start feeling consistently better very very soon!

    1. Thank you so very much!
      The writing you see embroidered is actually my handwriting, and I've been trying to stitch in some other way, and always end up doing it the same way.

  5. Entonces te estas sintiendo malita...... Bendito sea mi Dios!!! en todo caso, para hacer cosas lindas te sobra inspiracion, gusto, detalle... Seguramente, ya vendran "soles" para el alivio de tus males que afortunadamente, son pasajeros. Que trabajo tan "especatular"!!!

    1. malita o buenita? y ojala los soles de aca duraran, pero bueno no se puede pedir todo en la vida, o si?

  6. I am glad to see your creative juices are not sick too. Hope you are better soon. When I am feeling less than perfect I read. I have dozens of books just waiting for me to get sick.

    1. I wish I could have read throughout the variety of illnesses I've had, it would have been a great way to spend those sick days, but no way jose!! It hasn't been possible :(
      My books are actually waiting for me to get better :)
