Monday, May 19, 2014

What I did at Julie Arkell's Workshop

I hope you had a lovely weekend. Ours was rather nice. Everything seems perfect when the weather is warm isn't it?

I wanted to show you what I did at Julie Arkell's workshop because after showing you her work last week, it seemed only fair to show you what I learned there. The doll was my favorite thing. It is the first doll I have ever made, and I'm actually quite proud of it. She has her darning apron on, but she has no idea how to darn. In fact she loves to brag about that skill quite a bit.

This one is a "world war brooch" as she likes to call them. I decided not to make mine a brooch and added a little string so I can hang it on the wall. I do like to put everything up on my walls.

The flower is a very distinctive "Julie Arkell" brooch. It was quite tiring to make on the first day, and can I remind you that my sinus infection was at its peak?

This is the back part of the flower above which I ended up liking better. The other side is too much in my opinion.

The last thing I did on the last day of the workshop. Completely different from the ones she makes. Hers are so delicate and perfect. I had never made a suffolk puff or yo-yo before in my life either, but this was so fun to make, I've already made another one to give as a gift.

Now I am back to doing what I love doing the most, which is embroidering words, but in between the embroidering of words I am doing suffolk puffs or yo-yos.

How was your weekend? Any lovely crafty things?

Happy monday, if there is such a thing.


  1. AnonymousMay 19, 2014

    What a nice and fun things you've learned to make!

    1. Thank you, it sure was fun to make ;)

  2. Eeek, these are adorable and so inspiring! I wanna do more with fabric. It's always felt a bit intimidating to me. :)

    1. Thanks! I always felt the same thing with fabric, but it will find you one day, if it is something that interests you!

  3. Que cantidad de "bellezas"... divino todo. Como de sueno.

    1. gracias querida! fue un buen sueƱo :)

  4. Dear Giova, As you can tell by my greeting, I am either old-fashioned or older-I am both.
    Although I do not do any of the needle/thread/cloth arts as you, I appreciate the work, the very tiny stitches and assemblage. It would be tempting for me to try but I must focus on what I am learning which is wire links for jewellery. I strip discarded electrical wires of all gauges and then shape the links that I am learning. Anyway, I have received your blog for perhaps a year and enjoy each post. Thank you, Giova

    1. Dear Beadhen,
      I love old-fashioned, always have. It is a wonderful quality.
      Focus is a nice word. My quilting teacher taught it to me, and since then it has helped to keep things in perspective. I like to do too many things and often get side-tracked.
      Thank you for making my week with your comment. It arrived at the perfect moment and when I needed it. And thank you for liking the blog!
      All my best wishes to you,
      P.S:What are wire links for jewelry?

  5. I have been trying to comment on this post and it will not go more try!
    I am thrilled for you that you took Miss Arkell's class! Yay, Gio!! She is magical, isn't she? And so incredibly inspiring. Oolie has been to West Dean many times, but I have yet to go. It looks so beautiful in your photos.....especially that blue/purple garden - yum!
    Hoping to come through Amsterdam this summer on the way to Briancon. I will write more to you in an email......soon! Best to you....and I agree about the back of your flower (!!!). xoxo

    1. I'm thrilled as well that I got the chance to be a part of that workshop.
      West Dean was the perfect setting, so beautiful in every way.
      I hope that when you pass through Amsterdam I'm here to see you :)

  6. Definitely the back of the flower. I look at your lovely things and think "Now how can I get that effect with paper"? You should know me by always comes down to paper. Been working on a couple of new books inspired by my pins. Maybe I will send you one for X-mas. *grins*

    1. I'm going to think about applying it to paper, it could be done for sure but with other effect, I think.
      I like a girl you thinks ahead, in my mind christmas is always around the corner ;)

  7. Oh, LOVE!!! That doll is super and congratulations.

    Ha. You're talking to the colour and pattern queen so OBVIOUSLY the front is much nicer:-))
    No crafts here, but soon I hope. x

    1. Oh, thank you!!
      I'm glad someone liked the front of the flower, so much work to end up where it wasn't supposed to be ;)

  8. I love the fabric flower and the cute little doll.
