Friday, June 13, 2014

Taking the window seat and writing the blog I want

I wish I had an editorial calendar for this blog o'mine, but having no idea what day it is of the week most of the times, why would I be so organized as to have one of those?

It would surely help me a lot, because instead of showing you a bunch of pictures of things I like or crafts I made, I would for example show you something different every day. Then again that wouldn't be me, that would be me trying to be someone else or trying to become like another blog.

I have been thinking lately of closing this blog, as it is taking an energy I don't really have and should be putting somewhere else. Then I reconsider because I really like sharing the things I see, even if sometimes my mother is the only one that sees them.

Changing my mind as often as the view from the passenger seat, is one of the things I like about me. It is what keeps me inspired and interested in so many things. I used to fight this when I was younger; "why couldn't I just like a few things and focus on them, and actually be good at one thing?" I might have a good idea why I am this way, but that would certainly be a really long story and for some other day.

Instead I keep all sorts of projects going, because when my hands get tired of embroidering, I go to my journal and do some paper collages, and then I bake. The next day is a completely different story. It is like putting your hand in a surprise bag, not knowing what you'll take out.

So as much as I would like to show you crafts every week, I simply can't or won't because just as I don't have an editorial calendar, I can't ask myself to produce only crafts that would drive readers here.

Instead I go with my mood, which changes as often as the weather. Sometimes it is rainy, and every once in a while a beautiful sunset comes along.

No editorial calendar for now, but who knows?  Maybe I change my mind yet again, and suddenly become super organized. (picture me laughing really hard here)*

I wish you a wonderful weekend, and may the view from the window be a lovely one.


  1. Don't worry! One of the reasons why i like your blog so much is the unpredictability of your writings. Each time it's like a little surprise that pops up on the screen of my computer.

    1. I'm so happy that you enjoy my unpredictability. I was really happy when I read your comment this morning, thank you ;)

  2. I totally agree with Fotootje vandaag. Why change yourself to fit into a virtual mould? I like that there are always surprises here!
    Nice St Raphaël letters by the way! Where is it? It looks very un-Dutch ;)

    1. Oh, I wasn't planning on changing, just thinking of stopping ;)
      I'm glad you like the surprises here and that St. Raphael is just outside of Paris heading east, it is nice no?

  3. AnonymousJune 13, 2014

    I can relate to everything you wrote here. And like you, I just do what feels right in the moment. No worrying about posting enough to keep faithful readers or to boost the ever evil "numbers". In the end we do it for ourselves, no? I love your blog and I love the different directions it takes. Wishing you a wonderful week-end Gio! jx

    1. Evil numbers made me laugh out loud, they are kind of evil aren't they?
      It makes me happy that you like it here :) And you are right, we do it for ourselves!

  4. Me gusta. Me gusta mucho. Quedan recibidas las "buenas ondas" de tus recorridos. Lo de mas? Es lo de menos...

    1. lo de mas es lo de menos será mi próximo bordado!!

  5. I would hate for you to stop blogging. Your Instagram pics are lovely but I find your meandering thoughts so much more entertaining. It is like your snail mail, so lovely to get whenever it happens to pop up and appreciated. But you must do what is best for you so.....whatever that is...go for it. We will still love you.

    1. Thank you so much dear Suzi.
      I'm not stopping, I like getting it all out ;) Maybe a break of a few weeks soon though ...

  6. Sorry. I thought I proofread it, but several errors would have made it impossible to decipher! A friend just sent me a link to your washi tape alphabet. What a fun blog you have! I hope to return, and follow. I don't blog as much as I used to, preferring to spend most of my creative time hands-on. I'm very much like you describe yourself, never knowing what will be next.


    1. It is OK, I liked reading both comments ;)
      I'm so glad you found your way here and hopefully you find it inspiring.
      I just looked at all your mail art, and enjoyed it a lot! Lovely work!
      Oh, and you Cairn (?) terrier is gorgeous btw :)
