Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Looking Down

I enjoy looking down as much as I do looking up. Don't you? Mostly when it is grey and I'm carrying an umbrella it is inevitable not to look down. I like the things I find like; patterns, beautiful tiles, words, buttons, dried leaves and the occasional coin. I once found a 50 euro bill, but that was 6 or 7 years ago and it hasn't happened again.

This is entering the Victoria and Albert Museum.

This one is inside the museum.

Written on every corner in London, and I'm so thankful for the friendly reminder as it has saved me a couple of times.

This strange looking symbol was inside the Cathedral in Reims.

And this one is in a new perfume store -Buly 1803- in Paris.

But one must never forget to look up. You never know when a smiling angel is looking down on you and you might miss him (as it almost happened to me). It is not every day that one encounters a smiling angel.

Have a lovely day,


  1. You know I love tiles so I do look down quite a lot in search of them! I loved the pictures and the Buly one is so nice with that turquoise! Aaahh and that angel really is the most amazing find right?

    1. yes I do know Miss Tiles! and yes we almost missed that angel!

  2. Ese "gesto" de ese hermoso angel, me cambia con tanta plenitud mi forma de ver....... divino!!! Y mirar "abajo" y sorprenderme de gusto... Lo maximo!!! como siempre espectacular! Gracias por compartir estos detalles.

    1. es divino no? casi no lo vemos, y esta ahí en la entrada, era xq teníamos que ir 2 veces!

  3. The angel looks as if he is giving you a thumbs up. Like he is saying "You go girl!"

    1. The expression on that angel is quite something right? Made me smile all day!
