Monday, December 17, 2012

Street Art in Paris

It's been awhile since I last posted on street art, but if you are one of my followers on Instagram  then you'll know I'm a bit crazy about it.
So last weekend while in Paris (there is so much street art in Paris is unbelievable), here in Amsterdam the street art you find is mostly in certain areas, not spread out like in Paris.
This time I mostly found  Space Invaders. If you want to find space invaders in Paris all you have to do is look UP. Of course while doing this beware of all the dog poop (which is also everywhere!). And then suddenly my older son liked the octopuses by Gzup which usually are in the same wall or nearby a space invader. We had a blast waiting to see what we would bump into next. But I won! I actually spotted more space invaders than he spotted octopuses!

Do you like street art? Is it something you pay attention to on your travels? For me, it has become an exciting part, when I travel I look forward to see what I'll encounter.

Have a great Monday wherever you are!


  1. Based on the space invaders & octopuses you spotted, you visited some cool areas in Paris! I really enjoy spotting street art too, it adds such a colorful touch to visiting a new city/country. Happy Monday to you too!

    1. Next time I'm in paris I hope to find some claire street art (, have you seen it?
      I agree it adds a colorful touch!

  2. Ahhhhhhh Paris. Siempre es Paris. Eterna de arte de sorpresas.

  3. I'll look out for these in Paris. I am off to Paris on Friday for the holidays...

    1. Have a great time, and remember to look up ;)

  4. I love street art! I was in Lisbon in april and I took a lot of pictures of street art (and wrote a blogpost about it :))
    These in Paris are great! (I actually don't know if I can write in dutch here :))

    1. I will check your blog ASAP, I've been to your blog but I don't understand any Dutch (what a shame)! Lisbon is exceptionally beautiful isn't it? I've only been once many years ago!


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