Sunday, December 16, 2012

Colombian Holiday Food

The 'novenas'(nine days before Christmas) start today (more or less the Colombian advent). Where we pray every night and it is always accompanied by the delicious food we Colombians crave during the holidays! Buñuelos: deep fried balls of fresh cheese and cornstarch dough; Natilla: a version of a thicker flan; Desamargado: orange and lemon rinds, figs, in cinnamon/sugar syrup. Oh food how I love thee!

The 'novenas' of course are about praying together, but my favorite part is singing "villancicos" and later on eating! It is always about celebrating as a family, and being thankful!

Wishing a great sunday filled with deliciousness!


  1. Ahhhh... Compartir. Recordar. Esa novena y esos manjares estan arraigados a nuestras raices.

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