Sunday, October 21, 2012

Amsterdam Marathon

At the corner from my house (while I finish my first quilting square) the Amsterdam marathon is happening. I've always admire the determination and energy of these runners. Everyday they go out to train (rain or shine), for themselves and for events like these. For some it is even a way of life!
I use to run when I was little -my mother used to think I would be a good runner because I had really long legs- and I think it takes more than just long legs to be able to do this. I think it is determination. What do you think? Have you ever run a marathon?

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Por una buena causa se hace el esfuerzo. Pero es una disciplina que requiere. REQUIERE MUCHAS OTRAS COSAS........... No dejo de admirarme!!!!!!


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