Thursday, May 31, 2012

Magazine Round Up #2

This subject (the magazine one) is a very touchy one in this house, there are piles everywhere and much time is spent going through them. I think there is inside of me (no, I'm sure of it) a magnet that pulls me inside any magazine shop out there. A serious weakness that can't be controlled (not that I really want to) but they are becoming expensive though, so now I have to think twice before venturing into a new, never before seen magazine. What if I really like it? Then I have to go back for more (it happened with Frankie) or even worse commit to a subscription! (it happened with Uppercase, see first post).
Here are the new and not so new: Oh Comely (from the UK), Frankie (from Australia), The Weekender (from Germany, and btw it is in german, but so beautiful, and if you are like me you wouldn't care if you didn't know the language!), and Acqtaste (from Canada), this one is my first, and looks very promising.

If you live in Amsterdam and for some reason haven't gone into magazine heaven check it out, you won't be disappointed! If you don't live here, check their blog.
Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Yo leo, tu lees, todos leemos......... Fantastico!!!!!!


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