Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dottie About You

Last Christmas... I gave you my heart but... See, you can never start a sentence with last Christmas because you'll start singing that song whether you like it or not (I love it btw).
Well, this past Christmas I made the greatest, most amazing, inspiring discovery of all. You know the kind that makes your heart beat faster, and puts a smile on your face?
I came upon the wonderful world of Dottie Angel through her book. It is the book that has changed my life!! It took some 38 years to find it, but I did! And I'm so grateful, happy and excited! Now, if someone ever comes and ask me, "what book has changed your life?" I know what to answer!
So, I read the book, and looked at it, and read some more, and looked again, and decided to enroll in a crochet class, and since then I've never been the same. Then sewing, and embroidery and fabrics, and garlands and all things "granny chic" and buntings (I've had a serious weakness for them for a really long time).
The only place I've yet to put my foot in, is a thrift store (that's a difficult one for me). But maybe when her next book "Granny Chic" comes out (which I can't wait), I'll be ready for that step.
For now, I'm still learning, but I will be forever grateful to Dottie for showing me the way!

My wonderful husband surprised me with a Dottie Angel apron (love it!!)

My first Dottie inspired bunting with my favorite word!

Last Christmas I didn't give my heart  away, but got it stolen by a book instead!
I hope you find the book that changes your life, if you still haven't found it yet!


  1. Siii ese es "un mundo" !!!! que distrae, motiva, inspira.... Y cuando
    vemos nuestros logros en nuestro espacio, nos da plenitud. Y yo? tengo
    mi libro... Ya lo tengo.

  2. I am sooo with you! Last Christmas. . .I found Dottie Angel's blog and I've been smiling ever since. Now I've found you, through her! Happy day!

  3. It's a wonderful world isn't it? (Here I go with the songs)and so small and inspiration everywhere, Hooray for Dottie!
    I'm really glad you found this little new blog! Have a wonderful day!

  4. AnonymousJune 27, 2012

    Uds. son muy artistas siempre, Giova, empezando por tu mami, tu papi, Gianni. Maria me invita y me invita a unirme al mundo magico del crochet y el bordado, y yo lo conozco, si...... es magico. Pero me ha faltado el juicio y la perseverancia para hacerlo. Maria hasta se suena conmigo y mis hilos dorados que mi mama le da en suenos para mi. Va a ser pronto, van a ver. Espero volver de Colombia para empezar. Yo tambien tengo un libro adorado que tambien me influyo muuuucho y me puso a mirar para adentro, "El Principito" de Antoine de Saint Exupery (espero no haber fallado en la ortografia.) Y mi mundo se torno mas sensible, mas elemental, dire, entre al area de la magia del amor, tambien. Pero quiero leer el libro de Dottie. Voy a buscarlo. Inglesoe

    1. Uyyy Inglesoe, mil gracias por arrimarte a estos lados y dejar los siempre muy apreciados comentarios!
      A mi también me ha encantado el principito, cada una de las tres veces que me lo he leído! Gracielas!


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