Thursday, January 29, 2015

Urban jungle bloggers, Plants and coffee and tea

I thought I'd join Igor and Judith once again, in their endeavor to bring back more plants into our lives.
It has been almost a year since I last joined this series, and I thought January's theme of plants and coffee and tea (in my case) was  a very good idea.

I'm always curious to see what kind of teas people like, or how they prefer their coffee. It is one of the questions I always ask on my crafty people series.

 I love coffee (I am Colombian after all), but I love tea just as much. I prefer herbal teas like; Pukka, Yogi Tea or Shotimaa. And there is always a cup with me while I'm doing crafts, writing letters or sitting in front of the computer.

Then again, I do start my day with a nice cup of coffee. Not black like shown here (I completely forgot to put in the milk (rice milk in my case) for the pictures. But don't fret, this particular batch of coffee was used to dye some fabric. That is what I usually do with strong coffee ;)

Most of my plants are succulents that I've bought when we moved to Amsterdam 3 years ago. And now some babies are happily growing and healthy.

Plants and coffee and tea is a great combination, it makes the setting more lively and cozy at the same time. So tell me what is your favorite kind of tea or how do you like your coffee?? I would really love to know!

Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series with the idea to get some green into our homes. Every month they invite bloggers to share ideas for creating an urban jungle through styling challenges, DIYs, green tips and tricks. Every month there is a different theme on the topic.
You can follow and get more inspiration on Pinterest and Facebook.

Wishing you a lovely day,


  1. Lovely images Giova and such a nice idea to draw some plants along enjoying a cup of tea or coffee!

    1. Tea and crafts go perfectly well together, thank goodness ;)

  2. A Colombian who likes tea as much as coffee? Is that even allowed? Lovely shots. Wish we could meet for coffee/tea and get crafty together. jx

    1. It is all very hush, hush to actually like coffee and tea just as much :) I also hope we can get together for some crafting and tea… one of these days for sure!

  3. Hahaha. Yes, a Colombian that shows off her tea drinking. FABULOUS!!!
    I don't drink coffee at all but love the smell of it.

    Hmmm, wondering what coffee with my homemade Almond milk would taste like.

    Love your setting. And I agree, having a cup of our favourite herbal tea while we're creating and making is a MUST!

    Lovely post and to answer your question:
    Would LOVE to meet up for a cup of tea. Can't wait to this with you in Amsterdam or London (I think you will come first) x

    1. I actually started drinking coffee quite late (at 17 years old), it was mostly to share coffee time with my grandfather.
      Coffee with almond milk actually tastes great to me!

  4. I also have always plants near me, love your photos and nice teapot!

    1. Thank you so much. Being surrounded by plants make grey days much more bearable.

  5. Good day, Giova. I enjoy one cup of freshly ground, French Roast coffee every morning; with cream and some sugar. And, I also enjoy a black loose tea with cream and raw, local honey in the afternoon in winter. I always think we are so lucky to have the variety and quality of coffees and teas that we have access to. Love the plants and the drawings...and the ideas that you focus on in your posts....

    1. Oh, raw honey is the best, and not easy to find here. You are right, we are indeed lucky to have so much varieties and access to them, it does make a world of difference.
      Thank you so much!

  6. am intrigued that you use strong coffee to dye fabric....

    1. I do! I have been doing it for quite awhile, and I love how they turn out. I also take advantage of a heater in the kitchen that leaves rust lines on the fabric when it is drying. Plus I love the smell, so it is a win-win situation!

  7. Oh oops, it's the third time that I start my comment :D I think I pushed the wrong button again! So cool that you dye fabrics with coffee, is it any different (maybe stronger?) than tea? Really love your succulent scribble in the first picture. Hope we'll get to have coffee or tea together again soon!!

    1. It is way much stronger than tea. I actually don't have black tea in the house ;)
      I also hope to see you soon, crossing fingers!

  8. What fun! I am also a tea junky (!) ALL DAY LONG!
    I love chai (unsweetened) and yogi tea, which is not caffeinated.
    I also enjoy black teas with coffee ice cream in it (!!!!!!!) just like cream and sugar, but BETTER!
    Would love to have a little tea with you again sometime, dear one.....xoxoxo

    1. Tea junky is really funny, and quite true, haha!!
      I also like the ice cream but in the coffee, affogato is the best!!
      Here's hoping we meet again xoxo

  9. A tea or coffee while sketching succulents looks like a fun activity! And that succulent has a lovely shape.

    1. Thank you so much. Any crafts while sipping tea or coffee is really a delight, I wish it was a payed activity ;)

  10. Te.... Cafe.... depende de con quien y con que......? mmm... aaahhhhhhh.
