Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Picking and collecting shells, and counting to 15

We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary at the beginning of January. For two blissful days (the first without kids in 5 years) we enjoyed the beach and picked shells (my favorite activity of all).

Sanibel Island had been in the back of my mind for the past 20 years, I really don't know why I never made it there since it is only 3 and something hours away from Miami. I guess there is a time for everything under the sun, and you just have to patiently wait until the things you dream and want happen. Either that or really take all your energy (and money) to make it true. I guess the second one applies best here.

I am happiest walking down the beach, looking down for shells, looking up for birds and looking straight at the ocean. I could've just said looking, but it is so much more than looking. It is just being there at that very moment, soaking it all in.

I don't look for perfect shells, in fact I don't even know what I'm looking for, until I'm holding it in my hand, and I say "My God, how beautiful and perfect you are," and then I know it is coming home with me. The one on the lower bottom corner was my anniversary present.

The scallops above are common to the west Florida coast, and I'm in love with those colors and patterns.

I found these three "Fighting Conchs" in the space of an hour, and my husband still can't believe he didn't even find one. They were meant for me only and I'm much faster than you; I told him ;)

And tiny little shells are the best because…

…they fit perfectly in my glass jars. This is how I usually store my shells. From left to right: Clearwater (Florida), Taba (Egypt), Ijmuiden (Netherlands), and Cadaques (Spain).

I never bring more than what will fit in those jars, except of course this time. I went completely crazy and now I have a box full of shells and absolutely no idea where to put them.

Here I am, hoping that not another 15 years go by, until I can go back to Sanibel. That island was all I had dreamt it would be and then some more. But who knows really? Except, 15 years do go by faster than a heartbeat… that is all I really know!

Lots of love,


  1. Asi... todos los recuerdos para ver y saborear y oler todos los dias. Blancos. Y van y vienen.

    1. Recuerdos tangibles en pequeñas botellas de vidrio!

  2. for me, it is almost a spiritual activity,; finding treasures on the beach. Definitely meditative. I love the broken shells , as well, and treasure shells that are barnacled and those covered with tubeworm calcified tubing. I frequently find well-worn chunks of glass, old sparkplugs, bits of bones from some sea-dweller, crockery bits. awe, always....

    1. That is the word that was eluding me - a spiritual activity. It is the same for me, just being present in that moment, no where else. The glass bits are not so frequent for me, but I do like them a lot :)

  3. I love your idea of keeping shells from different holidays in bottles! I want to give this a go next time I go to the beach! :)

    1. Thank you! They are really great reminders, and beautiful to look at. I think they are the perfect souvenir ;)
