Monday, December 8, 2014

Mapology Guides

First of all sorry for last week's unintended interruption. Things like; too grey, broken computer, lack of energy etc.. assisted in the break.

But here I am with some very colorful news. My blogger friend Tina recently launched a very brilliant idea in the form of maps. I love maps!  I've been collecting them from my travels for awhile now.

These are not your typical maps  though, (the ones that take you to a specific destination), instead they will help you in very interesting pursuits. They will help you find for example; the right pet, the perfect gift, or that little thing that is bugging you.

The Mapology Guides consists of 3 maps (for now that is).  I'm pretty sure different ideas are brewing between the creators Tina (entrepreneur, designer, blogger) and Mike (designer, curator, artist book maker) right at this second.

The 3 maps (in a nut shell) are:

- Would like to Meet… - If you are looking for a pet and want the fun, educational and cute route to reach one, then this map is for you. So far here in this house were are still deciding between a parrot, lion, dog, or rabbit. Or maybe all of them? So many options, such little space! He is insisting on the lion though!

- Be Present Perfect - My favorite! I've found this one in particular so insightful and fun in the art of gift giving, a subject that has always interested me. Now I get to stand before this beautiful map/poster and read and laugh. Grass with snake in it anyone?? If you don't know what to give others this is perfect for you. If you do know what to give others but are stuck with the same ideas then this is for you as well. The map in itself is the perfect gift!

- What's bugging you? - Seriously, what is?? Me? The day is too short, not enough light to make what I want to make. This is a "problem solving map." With space to write what's bugging you and to help you with the best way to deal with "it" and maybe reach that happy place. 

I think these maps make great gifts, and the best part is now that Christmas is approaching you don't have to look any further. To top it all of, they have also come up with amazing postcards to accompany the maps.

Visit Mapoloy Guides for a closer look.

Wishing you a very lovely week ahead,


  1. EEEEHHHHHH...... todos los dias hay cosas nuevas para aprender!!!

  2. Ha. I love how you've captured the essence of each map. I'm also fascinated to learn what people's favourites are:-)
    I can see why the Present map appeals to you and me!

    Thank you so much for a lovely review and for supporting our project. Love your photos, especially the little gorgeous man studying the pet's map:-))
    Hugs from London x

    1. I'm so happy you liked it!
      Love the maps and happy to be able to add my little grain to it!!
      Big hug!!
