Monday, November 24, 2014

A very easy to make fabric pouch, clutch

I love pouches, all colors, sizes and textures. I use them for all sorts of things. There is one filled with old ribbons, another with new, one keeps crochet needles, another holds my traveling "things." This one here is my favorite because it is very easy to make and  it is not heavy at all (empty, that is).

 What you'll need:

  • fabric
  • thread and needle
  • scissors
  • sewing machine just makes this project super quick

- Cut 2 pieces of fabric about 24 x 33 cms
- Sew seams on both pieces 2 cms more or less- they should be 22 x 31 cms now
- Sew them together, the nice part of the fabric should be facing each other, I just mention this silly information because I forgot to do this on the red one!

- Leave 8 cms or so without sewing at the top, turn it inside out
- Iron, it makes the next step much easier

- Fold the lower part about 8.5 cms as to make a pouch
- This part I did by hand. Just grab a bright thread (if you feel like it) and sew both parts together as shown
- Sew the 8cms on the top part of the pouch.
- You can add strings before or after that step, it is up to you
- I added one string that goes around to the blue one, and 2 strings that tie together to the grey

- I added a piece of hearts fabric on one, and embroidered my initial on the other one, to add an extra touch of niceness!
- The pouch/clutch measures 20 x 11 more or less, I say more or less because I really don't measure anything, only for this project I had to keep track of the measurements
- Keep them to yourself or give them away!

 Fill the with:

  • pens, pencils
  • crochet needles
  • nib holders
  • threads
  • make-up
  • travel essentials

This is another very easy project that you can make in no time. Seriously, if you have a sewing machine it shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to do it. Including the sewing by hand part!

Just one more week until December, are you ready??
I've been trying to get things ready, but I'm such a procrastinator that things only hit me when it is too late.

I hope your week is sunny and beautiful,


  1. I love your homemade gift ideas. And your pattern and colour combinations are so YOU.

    1. Thank you so much Jillian. Funny how we tend to gravitate towards the same things (colors, patterns, etc…) without even realizing it. I also see your things and think "this is sooo Jillian" :)

  2. Me fascina!!! Y las telitas y el "monograma" y los colores y el maravilloso "uso"..... Divino como siempre.

  3. What a fantastic tutorial! Making a fabric pouch or clutch seems so easy with your clear instructions. Crafting is such a relaxing hobby, especially after a busy day. Speaking of relaxing, I have recently been looking into apartments in Noida, and I found some really great options. It’s so important to have a cozy home where you can unwind and enjoy hobbies like this. Thanks for sharing!
