Thursday, September 18, 2014

Whale watching off the pacific coast in Colombia

We went to the pacific coast to see the whales and we did!! But if you're scrolling down to see a national geographic sort of picture of the tail of a whale then you are in for a disappointment. I was too busy being excited and mesmerized by their presence that I completely forgot to take the camera out.

We didn't see the tail, but we saw a beautiful face coming out of the water, and also a big (enormous) flipper sort of waving hello, and we also heard their loud and incredible sound. And many whales swimming along with their babies. All in all, it was pretty spectacular, magical, breathtaking and so worth everything that meant getting to this part of Colombia. I would do it again in a heart beat.

By the way, the humpback whales arrive in Colombia every year in July to have their babies (calves), and leave in October.

The view from my bed. Who needs television?? There are no walls or doors on the hut, just a bed with a mosquito net.

And a scorpion, not too far from my bed. I had to zoom the bejesus out of it, so it is quite pixilated. Ok, where is the Ritz now?

The only proof that I actually saw whales. My memory still has them picture perfect, I hope I can remember them forever. Some people travel all the way here and actually don't get to see the whales at all, so I think we were pretty lucky.

 Pelican island, is just what the name implies.

Be careful not to step on the little turtle or the thousand of hermit crabs (i don't have a picture of them), but they were really lots and lots.

O.K this is it for the second and final part of this trip. It would have been pretty cool to have a picture of the enormous flipper though, I guess you can't have them all.

Wishing you a happy weekend full of adventures,


  1. Wow! I don't mind you didn't bring back a national geographic picture of a humpback, the images in your head are so much more precious. I think it's so sad that more & more people live their lives via a screen, at least this proves you were there to SEE it! And oh my gosh that scorpion, did you sleep at all?

    1. Thankfully the scorpion was in the morning, had I known it was there the whole time, I don't think I would've been able to sleep. Photographs in a way have become souvenirs, or proof that you actually saw what you did. I just hope my memory preserves it well and won't alter the reality :)

  2. Yo tambien quiero despertarme con esa vista!!! Y esa mini tortuga es divina donde estaria la madre? De solo saber que escuchaste las ballenas y les viste las caritas y los babies pues para que mas?! Yo sueño con conocerlas en persona very soon ;)

    1. Fue la única tortuga que vimos. No la encontramos por chance, ni los que viven ahí la habían visto. Es lo máximo, ojalá se te cumpla el sueño very soon!

  3. Que maravilloso espectaculo!!! Definitivamente..... Se me "llena el alma".

    1. Esa va llena, esa va llena, jeje!! A mi también :)

  4. I'm glad you saw the whales. I went on a recent whale watching trip in Iceland and we were fortunate to see many humpbacks. I can relate to your experience with documentation, as it was challenging for me to get a professional looking photograph too. Your photo is great though and you are right, the memory is most valuable.
