Monday, September 8, 2014

Traveling to the Colombian Pacific Coast : Part 1

We visited this part of Colombia for one reason only (which I will share next time). With very little time, we could go for one night only. Everything about this short trip ended up being an adventure in it's own way, especially for my children who have now become city kids (?).  I'm so, so happy we had the chance to be here.

Just in case you ever find yourself in this part of the world.

This is what we did:
  1. Woke up at the crack of dawn
  2. Drove for 3 hours from Cali to Buenaventura

     3.  Got on a taxi boat for an hour (more like a bus than a taxi) until we reached our destination

      4. To Playa Juan de Dios, and I really can't recommend it enough...

    5. This is a bit of paradise. I mean it in every way. With very few others, you have the entire beach to
        yourself. **Don't forget the insect repellent. Mean little tiny things that will rip you apart.

    6. We took an amazing walk through the jungle (rainforest to be precise) to reach Playa Dorada
        (Golden Beach)...

   7. Where we could swim yet again, because (YES) the temperature of the water was just perfect (I
       mean warm).

   8. I leave the nudity entirely at your own risk

   9. Then walked back again to watch the sunset, have dinner and watched the most spectacular night I
       had ever seen in my life. At least it was the first time we had ever seen such a perfect starry night.
       Did I tell you there is no electricity here?? Why would you need it anyway?

I promise more pictures next time, especially since we got to see some very special creatures!
I hope all is well on your end,

1 comment:

  1. Nalguitas in the Pacific es lo massimo!!! Y verdaderamente que esos escenarios son de pelicula y me da tanta felicidad que existan en Colombia!!!!! Divinas las fotos!!!!
