Thursday, September 25, 2014

Crafty Series #13 - Alexia Cohen

I met Alexia while studying in New York. She is an incredible jeweler and I've always admired her unique pieces and her beautiful approach towards the art of jewelry making. 

Originally from Venezuela, she studied in Boston but now lives in Brooklyn. While I was in New York this summer I got to spend some time with her in her studio. She is also the jeweler technician at Pratt Institute, and that place is looking fabulous thanks to her! 

We also had the chance to spend an afternoon indigo dying everything we could think of and eating her amazing food because she is a great cook too, but I guess that is something for another post! 

Here is a little inside look at her craft...

Her jeweler's bench
Melting gold for wedding bands
A sample of her amazing pieces!
Recreating nature in copper: sugar cane and cacao fruit - these are musical instruments btw

 1. First crafty memory

It came as a revelation while visiting grandma for a summer; I made a weaved bracelet with beads.

2. Favorite craft you've ever made

There are so many but if I had to choose it would be a brooch that I made as part of a teacher's project to her students and they suggested we participate in it as well. Two separate objects that become one and go together but can be worn apart too.

3. Favorite material to work with

Silver is always a favorite because its the whitest metal and its soft and malleable. But recently concrete is becoming a favorite because of the contrast it gives me, the various grays and it opaqueness.

4. Inspiring words you like


5. Favorite color

Green always. Lately all navy blue...

6. Tea or coffee

Tea! Coffee gives me a headache

7. Mountains or the beach

The beach is my favorite, but the caribbean beaches- not the New York beaches. In New York I'd rather go to the mountains; although the mountains in Venezuela are amazing!

8. Where do you find inspiration?

The human form. In nature. Geometry in nature...

9. What do you collect?

New and antique metal smithing tools.

10. What would you like to make that you haven't done?

My own jeweler's bench!

You can find her pieces on etsy and you should also check out her website to see all of her wonderful work!

It was a pleasure hanging out with her as it always is. She inspires me a lot and I admire her greatly. I can also say I'm the proud owner of a pair of earrings and a necklace of her creation that I love....

I hope you've enjoyed it! Wishing you a very crafty weekend!



  1. Me encanto!!! el trabajo es impecable. ..."nature in cooper" seria mi preferido...........

    1. Yo se!! A mi tambiƩn me encantaron esos, me imagine el cacao como un broche! Seria divino, pero Yani dice que es muy grande :(

  2. Thank you for sharing this amazing guide on how to wear jewelry .! Thanks for sharing
