Thursday, August 7, 2014

Getting it out of my system

Some things nag at me quite strongly. Others nag quite quietly and I don't bother with them. It is usually with the strongest where I pay more attention, so that I can get it out of my system.

Lately weaving is the case. I blame pinterest and instagram where I have been looking at some wonderful work. Mostly I blame this blog, because I would love a wall filled with weavings/tapestries, and she makes it look so easy.

I needed to try this craft one more time. I remember doing something similar when I was little, but I remember not liking it one bit. I thought maybe it was the age, but the truth is my patience levels have not increased since then (apparently), and I feel exactly the same way as I did when I was little.

I guess this is not my type of craft, or maybe I haven't learned to do it properly?

Now it hangs as a reminder that all crafts are not created equal, my patience levels are exactly the same as they were when I was 7 or 8 , and that even if the weaving is not beautiful, it sure feels good to get it out of my system.

That said, I do think I'm a much more patient person than I was back then, only that this is not the craft for me, and because it frustrates me, then I become impatient in this particular regard.

Trying new things keeps the inspiration flowing don't you agree? Have you tried any new crafts lately?? Did you succeed or not?

Have a lovely and inspiring weekend ahead,
P.S: Since my birthday is tomorrow I wanted to offer a 20% discount in my Etsy shop - it expires the 10th of August. Code: BIRTHDAY41


  1. Wishing you a very happy and frustration free birthday

    1. Thank you Kerrie! It was a really relaxing and no fuss day!!

  2. I have never done much weaving, but after my travels to South America (just returned!) I have become more interested in and fascinated by that kind of craft. I like your little piece of work and it inspires me to learn and know more about weaving myself.
    Happy birthday tomorrow!

    1. I can imagine all the beautiful things you saw and how inspired you've arrived.
      And thank you, it was a lovely day!

  3. Had I known it was your birthday I would have sent a surprise from the states. Now it will have to be belated. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and all the days after. Birthdays should mark the beginning of a new and glorious year. Go for it. :)

    1. Oohhh it is OK, you have sent me so may beautiful things lately. I think the same, birthdays do ark the beginning of a new year, and I will definitely go for it :) Thank you!!

  4. Feliz cumple!!!! Con AMOR!!! Plena de "color", "creatividad", "inspiracion". Lo que te propones, lo sacas absolutamente divino. Con muy buen gusto siempre. ...el por ahi, es solo tuyo... Lo que vemos es ESPECATULAR!!! GRACIAS!!!

    1. Gracias querida. Se hace lo que se puede , jaja!!

  5. I love your weaving! The loom is waiting here for you...
