Monday, July 7, 2014

Lately and possibly the following weeks

Last week pretty much looked like this (see 4 books below). I'm catching up since I wasn't able to read for some months. Apart from reading and watching the World Cup I haven't done anything else this last week. And now that Colombia is out of the World Cup, I've lost my interest entirely, so more time to read.

Well, O.K… I did the laundry, picked up the mess and gave the occasional kiss to my kids, but I haven't touched a needle or thread or fabric or button or yarn or….

The roses are not from this week, but they were everywhere I walked (i did walk), and it was so beautiful, and I wanted to show them to you.

See the book garland?? Well, it is one of the projects from the wonderful e-course I won, and it has been so inspiring, and I couldn't be more grateful and happy that I won a spot in it.

And a page from my notebook where I try to write or paste anything… So as you can see it has been pretty slow, and I'm hoping it will continue this way.

We have no plans for the summer, but maybe just maybe, we we'll jump in the car and drive down to Italy (I'm crossing my fingers)!!

**Would you mind recommending me some wonderful books??? I would be more than grateful.

This is it for me now, my kids start their summer vacation on wednesday and I really don't want to think about the blog during their vacation. You can find me here (maybe).

I wish you calm and beautiful days ahead. Happy summer and I see you back in a couple of weeks.


  1. AnonymousJuly 07, 2014

    The Childrensbook By A.S. Byatt, one ore the most wonderful books i've ever read.

    1. I've had this one for such a long time, and it was never the right moment to read it, maybe I should try again ;) Thank you!!

  2. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt


    Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld

    1. I've been quite apprehensive about the Goldfinch because i"ve heard such mixed reviews, some love it and others not so much :) Will check the other one out, thank you!!

  3. Have a great break and enjoy yourself. Hope you'll get to Italy.

    Love the garland and everything you've done on the e-course.
    I wish I would have won a space too:-))

    1. I'm still crossing my fingers here!
      Thank you, I love it too, it looks quite nice with all the other ones!

  4. Hahaha World Cup, books, walks & the upcoming holidays sound pretty good! Hope you'll have a wonderful time off with the four of you! No books to recommend to you right now, I need some fresh new ones myself (and time off to read them properly too!) Gros bisous and hope to see you soon. xx

  5. The garland is wonderful!
