Thursday, July 3, 2014

DIY- Tissue circles and Confetti garlands

The other day I was thinking I don't like how messy confetti is, but I find it quite beautiful when it is contained. I already pick my share of things from the floor every day, and the thought of itsy bitsy pieces of paper everywhere makes me sweat.

I've been thinking about this garland for quite a while, but didn't get around to making them until now. My idea was to hang them by a window so that when the light hits them you can see all the pretty colors. Perfect for blue summer days (if you're lucky enough to get them)!

As you can see it wasn't a very blue day, but still I like the effect. What do you think?

 You will need:

  • glue (preferably not a very strong one otherwise it will tear the tissue paper or wrinkle it)
  • scissors
  • thin thread
  • clear tape 
  • paper confetti
  • white tissue paper (one big piece makes 4 garlands, each garland has 7 circles)
  • you can use a punch hole for the circles if you're aiming at a more consistent look

Cut the circles or any other shape you prefer, and put glue on one side. I found the rougher side of the tissue paper much better than the smooth part for the glue.

Place a thin layer of the paper confetti on the side you just glued and then put glue on the other side, and simply sandwich them together trying to smooth the paper out. Make sure you let it dry on an appropriate place so it won't stick - tissue paper is very delicate.

Then simply cut a piece of thread and place the confetti circles how you want them to look. I used a very thin piece of clear tape.

Some suggestions:

  • the more the merrier, meaning garlands look great when there are a whole bunch of them
  • perfect to send to your pen pals and a perfect addition to the flat project
  • you can always get just one or two colors of paper confetti, for example blue or red for tomorrow's 4th of July celebration, or red or green for Christmas
  • place a plastic under before putting the glue, as it bleeds through the tissue paper
  • use them to decorate your gifts or parties
  • for many more garland ideas go here

**I just wanted to say sorry for not showing up on Monday, but a bunch of books and the World Cup are keeping me quite busy.

Until next week. Wishing you a happy weekend and lots of fireworks on the 4th!!


  1. Hahahaha your first sentences made me laugh. I like confetti (outside) though, but these buntings are super cute too! Is the paper confetti in tissue paper too?
    Just wondering, are you cheering in orange or yellow this weekend? ;)

    1. Yes the confetti is paper, not sure if it is tissue, but actually is very badly made, I wouldn't recommend this one ;)
      I was cheering for my country's team, now I really don't mind who wins!! Sorry :)

  2. I like your thinking. When I was young we used to iron bits of confetti between waxed paper shapes. Looked like glassine envelopes. Most the confetti I get now seems to be plastic. No ironing there. Thanks for reminding me of happy times.

    1. Oh, you welcome!! I never made the ones you are talking about, and yes, it was not easy finding the paper kind, so sad about that even if I don't like confetti!!

  3. You are BRILLIANT! ......though I expect nothing less that brilliance from you, Gio!
    So, are you around on the 16th of July?

    1. Thank you Jone!!
      I think I will be around, most likely ;) Just say when and where ;)

  4. Loved this DIY tutorial on tissue circles and confetti garlands! These would be perfect for decorating new spaces. Speaking of new spaces, I have been exploring Property in Noida Extension recently, and the modern homes there are amazing. Can't wait to try out these decorations in my future home.


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