Friday, May 2, 2014

Picking Tulips… again.

For the third year in a row (I might add), we went back to the tulip picking activity. Every time I go, it feels like I'm seeing it all for the first time, and I know I showed some tulip fields some weeks ago (this is the last, promise), but I couldn't not show you again. Since it only happens once a year, why not?

I promise I haven't photoshopped the above picture. I know it looks a bit strange, but that's the way it actually was and felt when I was standing there.

My older one decided to skip the trip this year, and I don't blame him. The road to get here is impossible with traffic, what should take 20 minutes, takes an hour. Plus when you are a teenager you live in your own little world (and tulips are not welcome), oh, well...

 One of my favorite color combinations, right here.

Happiness in a bucket, and my helper is the best. Except of course when he steps on the flowers, then not so great.

 Fill a bucket, pay 7 euros.

Get home and find every little container you can, and admire nature's beauty. This is what I call happiness in a bucket.

Wishing you a very colorful weekend,
and just a friendly reminder that there is a GIVEAWAY going on, and that I completely forgot I had a trip so the deadline has been moved!


  1. Holy cannoli, ugh, this is beautiful. I would LOVE a chance to pick tulips at a tulip farm (or, preferably, just take a bunch of pictures)!

  2. Oh the color of happiness! I wish I was there it truly looks surreal!

  3. Siempre es refrescante mirar esos campos. Ese colorido..... Y esos importantes "acompanantes"!!!!

  4. I love these endless fields of color and the happiness in a bucket that you transformed into so many different bouquets! And that orange in the first picture is just out of this world!

  5. AnonymousMay 08, 2014

    Those colours are so gorgeous. And 7 euro a bucket?! I would have loved to see Nino tramping all over those flowers too!
