Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A workshop at West Dean College

I love surprises, especially the good kind. Arriving here at West Dean College was one of them. I'm the type of person that whenever I book a place, I don't do much research (what is trip advisor?).
I'd much rather experience everything with my own eyes, and leave things to chance. I don't like reading bad or good reviews (they are just someones words of their own experience), and I would much rather make my own.

So I will just say that my eyes, and mind couldn't believe what a beautiful place I was arriving at, to spend the next few days. If you ever get a chance to spend a few days here, then I hope you don't hesitate, but don't just trust me. I hope the images speak for themselves, and sorry about not showing you any indoor images (they were not that great).

The gardens, the building, my room, the food, the inside of the building (very Harry Potter like) were all just incredibly perfect. I kept thinking; I need to come back with my husband. I hope we will, one day.

Wishing you a lovely day,


  1. AnonymousMay 14, 2014

    This place looks incredible! Book me in for a workshop next year for sure.

    1. I'm glad you liked it, because I'm dragging you next year for sure ;)

  2. Lovely place. I bet it was overflowing with inspiration.

    1. It was unbelievably inspiring and relaxing. Wonderful place for a workshop!

  3. ... ademas, me sentiria como una "reina" bordando mi historia. Preparando "la capa azul" para el "principe" que en tal caso, puede llegar de cualquier "color"............ no me diga mas!

  4. My gosh, do they have a fairy tale gardener at West Dean? Or is the green so pretty perfect by nature? Those hills look incredible!
