Friday, April 18, 2014

The Blog turned 2

While I was away, the blog turned 2. As always I'm so grateful for the readers who follow, find the time to leave comments or send me the most amazing e-mails. So thank you so much for sticking around.

This blog was started as an experiment of sorts with my sister, and then continued as my outlet for all the things I have in my head (which are a lot).

I release here most of my ideas and thoughts, and I've truly enjoy making each and every one of those posts.

So here is a strawberry tart to mark the occasion, and I'm hoping for many more posts to come.

Again, thank you so much, and I hope you tune in next week for the "annual" snail mail giveaway.



  1. Yummm :p Happy second Birthday, dear Giova! Happy Easter!

  2. And soon, it will be 2 years when we first met at the Hive :)
    Happy anniversary to your blog Giova, and many years still to come !

  3. Bravo!!! dos anos son "DOS ANOS" . Has logrado mantener la atencion de todos quienes te seguimos, con propuestas hermosas, con fotos espectaculares... Gracias y FELICIDADES!!!

  4. Happy Blog Birthday. Hope you and yours have a lovely Easter.

  5. Congrats on your blog b'day and have a great Easter :-)

  6. Happy bloggy birthday! Is this from Le Fournil de Sebastian? If so, you've got the best birthday tart for your blog :)

  7. Woohoo! A very very unbirthday to you! Esta vez no hubo 'classifieds Bday' pero va un paquete en el camino ;)

  8. Great! Congratulations!
    Liebe Grüße Barbara
