Friday, April 25, 2014

Snail Mail Giveaway

As promised the second annual giveaway is here! Bigger and better, but with a catch. It is a surprise!!
Basically it is many things related to snail mailing or letter writing, like; letter sets, washi-tapes, pens, stickers, labels, tags, even some notebooks and other surprise things. Noticed how I'm writing in the plural??

I thought of showing you what everything was, and then I thought I won't show it, so that it will be a surprise package for whoever wins.

I know I'm taking a risk here, and I really hope that you join just because, 1) you trust me,  2) you love surprises or 3)you love snail mailing so much, what ever comes your way will be well received. Maybe one or all of the above??

This is what you'll have to do:

  1. Like this page
  2. Leave a comment telling me what has been the best gift you have ever received (either here or on that page you just liked)
  3. There is no 3, but you can follow me here or here if you like
-open to all
-this giveaway closes Tuesday May 6th (sometime during the night), and will be announced wednesday morning- Thank you for participating!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,


  1. hello Giova, i have been following your blog via bloglovin ^^
    the best gift/letter i have received was from Palestine, a penpal that i met on IG, she made lovely Palestine pressed flowers and a wind charm on our first letter correspondence. due to political reason, it usually takes a few months for a letter to received, that makes me truly treasure this pen-pal friendship. ^^
    thank you for letting us a chance to win this give away :)

  2. Lovely giveaway Giova! I already liked your FB page and left a comment there. ;-)

  3. Hi I was already with you on Pinterest and Instagram but now following on FB. Great giveaway, I love surprises. My best gift was a portable typewriter when I was about 8 - to write my stories and newsletters on. X

  4. Hi Giova,
    I join because....: all of the above ;-)!
    I`m following your wonderful blog on bloglovin and insta, since I "met" you first at the last UJB-action. Now I have also liked your page.
    I would loooove to win and the best gift I have ever received were actually my two sons :-))
    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Hi:) Just liked your fb page, and i follow your pinterest and instagram:) about the gift - my boyfriend gave me a kitten:) her name is Clea and she is the most adorable and sweet cat in the whole world:):):)

  6. What a lovely giveaway! My favorite gift was when I was about 7 and my grandmother made me doll clothes for my Barbies. She had each outfit pinned to paper and have it to me in a huge box! Precious!

    I follow you on Facebook, IG and Pinterest!
    Thanks again,

  7. the best gift via snail mail is a notepad hand crafted from a vintage childrens book from is beautiful and charming!

  8. Tu tiempo. Tu inspiradora inspiracion. Color, detalle. Todo. Me encanta. Me da motivos... Nos das motivos!!! Gracias.

  9. Hi, Giova! What a wonderful way to inspire others to send snail mail! I have many pen friends and we so enjoy sending and receiving letters and little surprises! I am unable to enter, as I am not on FB, but I do wish "Good Luck" to all who entered! ~ Donna E.

  10. I love surprises. And snail-mailing. AND I trust you (and like you for that matter). Fingers crossed.

    1. And because I'm a dork I forgot to mention my favourite gift. I'd have to say a beautiful necklace that my husband gave me after the birth of my son. I still wear it almost daily.

  11. Last year for my birthday my husband bought me a round trip ticket to see my cousin in California. I biked on the beach and shopped in little shops. It was wonderful. I love to travel and it was the perfect gift.

  12. Love your blog and our exchange. Best gift ever was an Origami instruction book my Aunt gave me when I was about 6. It made a real impact and started my eternal love of paper in all Its forms and uses.

  13. Thanks for this chance! Mmh, it's really hard for me to pick the best gift I've ever received because they're all meaningful in different ways. However, my boyfriend got me a ring for my birthday this year, and it's safe to say I adore it! It was also given to me on a foggy day in Brighton (UK), so the memory attached to it, is also really lovely :)

  14. I liked your page :) But I will share my gift here. I think it was a trip to Latvia my father got me in fall 2004. I love this country and my ancestors are from there. I stayed for a week and it was also the first time I met a penal. Great experience!

  15. I love snail mails and i love surprises. And i am following you " here" and "here". My best gift was a trip to Paris.

  16. Such a sweet idea! I posted my present on your facebook page. My FB name is Biggie Tinio. Even if I don't win, can't wait for the reveal...I'm sure everything will be amazing! Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. Hi Giova
    I'm not very fond of jewellery but anyway (or maybe because of that?) my best gift was a ring from my boyfriend many years ago. The ring was very special - designed as a little house. It was just what I did'nt know I had always wanted :-) I still got my boyfriend, but unfortunately the ring was stolen some years ago...
    I'm already following you on pinterest and IG and now on FB. A real Fan!

  18. I have received so many lovely gifts over the years - but this birthday my boyfriend bought me a leather satchel - personalized with a little gold horse and my initials. I really love it <3

  19. I'm following you on IG, and have seen some of the letters you have sent to Puk, on her blog, they are amazing, would love to win, as my penpalling stash is getting to small for comfort.
    The best gift I ever got, was when my parents told me that I could have a dog, I loved that dog SO much.
    Mie / mies.mail.67@gmail dot com

  20. One of th best birthday gifts I ever received was an invitation to go on a torchlight tour of the Natural History Museum in Berlin after dark. It's my favourite museum in Berlin and it was a really special evening. Best wishes, Jenni x

  21. AnonymousMay 06, 2014

    Now following your blog and on IG! My favourite present is the little wooden box with enamel heart which my son made for me when he was eight. It was lovely meeting you at West Dean - I do hope you feel better soon. judith xx
