Monday, March 10, 2014

The Paper Blog Hop - Why I love Paper

Lately I seem to be signing myself into different things. I see it as adding different experiences to my blogging experience. This time it is a blog hop (I had never heard of such a thing before) organized by Paper Love . They want each participant to write about why they love paper. Boy do I love paper!!  So here it is!

Why I love it (since I was very little I want to add):
  • it is beautiful, BEAUTIFUL
  • it makes my heart sing
  • it's many textures
  • and sizes and colors and shapes
  • it has allowed me to write so many, many letters
  • and read so many, many books
  • and wrap so many presents
  • and make so many things that have made me so very happy
  • all the amazing possibilities a blank page offers
  • to be able to paint, draw, cut, even embroider on it, it's just  b l i s s

I would also like to mention the times I haven't loved it:
  • paper sheets (the sleeping kind). Oh yes, they exist! And yes they are the most uncomfortable invention ever.
  • paper cuts (those terrible little things do hurt).
  • paper cups (especially those cone shaped ones placed near water dispensers usually at a doctors office). "Here we offer you water, but only little sips, don't go drinking the whole gallon!"
  • that it can be unforgiving - cut the wrong way, paint it badly and well, there it goes! Start over!
  • and sometimes very expensive
  • when it wrinkles and it is not supposed to
  • when it gets wet and it is not supposed to
  • the damp, musty smell when it's not properly cared for - yuck and achooo!!

I can't wait to see what everyone came up with. It has been fun thinking about what is it about paper that I love so much. And not so fun trying to put it into words. So even if I couldn't describe it perfectly, I must say it has been one of the most constant things in my life. I always go back to paper, no matter what!  May books and letters (the paper kind) never die!!

The PaperLove Blog Hop is a celebration of all things paper! Follow the links to discover more bloggers who love paper and use it to inspire and delight. And if you want to explore a whole world of paper, and stretch your paper passion further with a host of creative projects, why not join the innovative new online course PaperLove (starts March 31). Led by book artist Rachel Hazell, PaperLove is a five week creative adventure for paper lovers. Find out more here

Majo Bautista / Tona Bell Louise Best Cathy Bluteau / Jennifer Bomgardner / Giova Brusa / Lindsay Buck / Beka Buckley / Joanna Caskie / Jonathan Chapman (Mr Yen) / Halle Cisco / Sarah Clare / Cathryn Clarge / Dawn Clarkson / Rhiannon Connelly Jenny D'Fuego / Molly Dhiman / Ian Dudley / Ayisatu Emore / Akmal Farid / Monika Forsberg / Claire Fritz-Domeney / Louise Gale / Chrissy Gaskell / Julie Hamilton / Emma Hawman / Rachel Hazell / Holly Helgeson / Claudine Hellmuth / Kim Henkel / Sarah Hoffman / Joanne Hus / Paula Joerling / Beth Kempton / Julie Kirk / Eos Koch / Katie LaClair / Kristy Lankford / Michelle Manolov / Doreen Marts Rosie Martinez-Dekker / Tori Mears / Maria Mederios / Lise Meijer / Debbie Miller / MaryJane Mitchell / Suzy Naidoo / Grace Noel / Hannah Nunn / Camilla Olsson / Jo Packham / Rachelle Panagarry / Monette Pangan / Melanie Paul Nicole Piar / Jen Pitta / Liz Plummer Julie Reed / Michelle Reynolds / Lisa Rivas Angee Robertson / Natalie Ryan / Aisling Ryan / Elisabet Sapena / Kyrrha Sevco / Jamie Sprague / Elizabeth Steele / Terri Stephens / Juniper Stokes / Mary Tanana / Maike Thoma / Linda Tieu Gabrielle Treanor / Tammy Tutterow / Deborah Velasquez / Jordan Vinograd Kim / Cat Whipple / Brooke Witt / Katie Wood Amelia Woodbridge

Have a wonderful day!


  1. So many reasons to love paper and I agree. And I admit I hate papercuts too.

    /Camilla Olsson - also in the blog hop

  2. It's good to read the whys...I agree. I wrote an ode to paper on mine but I would like to add what you said too {*}

  3. Great blog post, it makes you start thinking about paper in more depth and realising how much you use in everyday life, can't imagine a life without it! I also agree, paper cuts are not nice!

  4. Oh paper how much I love thee let me count the ways...great reasons of likes and dislikes! Paper is amazing and i also hope it never dies! Fabulous post thank you!

  5. Here from the blog hop! Lovely post! Beautiful!

  6. Love your post and lists on paper love and not so love! :-) Fellow hopper here Happy paperliscious day to you. Louise xx

  7. oooh - old books, a favorite of mine. I use them for sketchbooks

  8. I joined in too! Also found it hard to put my Paper Love into words but really enjoying reading all the papery posts and seeing other people's hoards of paper!

  9. Lovely to hear your likes and dislikes of paper! I love and hate a new piece of paper, it's great to have a fresh canvas but it's awful when you ruin it!

  10. Hola Giova! I am Rosie Martinez-Dekker, mexicana viviendo en Almere!
    Lindo post!!

  11. When I was 7 I asked for a filing cabinet full of paper for Christmas. So I can relate to everything you wrote. Love live PAPER.

  12. Me encanta el manejo REAL que le das a todas las cosas... Este "papel", esta adherido a vos,
    a tus historias. A lo leido, lo escuchado, lo vivido... Me encanto este "post".

  13. Love your photos! Thanks for sharing in the blog hop.

  14. I liked your lists, couldn't put down my thoughts as well as this!

  15. Such a clever post! I enjoyed reading your lists. For some reason, paper tends to multiply in my world. Unfortunately, it is never the good kind of paper...bills, kids' old school papers, receipts...LOL! But, I could easily become a hoarder of good paper...wrapping paper, books, journals, stationary, etc....and be totally okay with it. ;) Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. I love your lists!! I do my work digitally, but I always, always draw on paper with a pencil first. There is something that gets lost (at least with me) if I go straight to the computer.

  17. You did a great job describing why you love - and don't like sometimes - paper! Plus, I enjoyed seeing your stash - thanks for sharing! I struggled with my words, but did manage some images - this was a fun blog hop to participate in!

  18. yes! books! that is definitely one of the reasons I love paper too. So many hours spent with just me and the page and whole world unfolding before my eyes. Love you blog. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Loving your piles of paper as well as the like and dislike list-good one!

  20. ...Oh I like your list of what not to love about paper :) And I think I may concur with most of them. Something just weren't meant to be paper, at least practically! Lovely to meet you via the hop :)

    // quick jump to my post for the hop here --

  21. I am a paper lover as well and these photos are making me swoon. <3

  22. Beautiful post and I like your approach about the whys!

  23. Indeed! What is nót to love about paper, I totally agree!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. For the love of the printed word! I definitely love paper, particularly paperback and leather-bound books. Their scanned and electronic format cousins are great in reading on the go and for sharing (legally of course!) but nothing beats the smell and the feel of an old classic or the newest bestseller to hit the racks. Space is another issue with paper books/documents although I do love classy looking libraries. All-in-all I can definitely relate to this list of yours, though I never made much thought of it before now. Thanks for sharing!

    Ruby Badcoe @
