Monday, March 3, 2014

The Flat Swap

After participating in a bunch of swaps lately, I wanted to organize one. The swap I enjoyed the most was the one I was paired with someone, and we got to communicate with each other what exactly we wanted from the experience.

I would love for this swap to be a handmade and preferably a flat one. I think all of us have everything we need for the swap in our homes, closets, drawers, etc… And there is really no need for more store bought things. Spring is coming soon (on this part of the world), so try to think about that when you are getting your parcel ready.

So with that in mind, these are the 5 things I think should be included in your package. Feel free to alter this list, but only with your partner's agreement.
  1. A letter. Long one or short, that is up to you. This is a very important point, not to be taken lightly.
  2. A drawing of something you like. It doesn't matter if you're an expert or not. Simply get your box of crayons (or your kid's crayons), watercolors, markers, pencils. Anything goes. Not smaller than a postcard, and well, it is up to you if you want to send a poster size drawing.
  3. Something handmade in your area of expertise. Whether you crochet, embroider or do paper crafts. Make sure to discuss this point with your partner, as you wouldn't want to embroider a whole poem and receive a paper garland. Or maybe you would?
  4. Something hand written. It can be a favorite recipe, an ideal menu, a poem, a list of your favorite books (or something that you think is worth recommending). Do this creatively. Don't just tear a page from a notebook and get it over with. Or ask your partner which one she prefers.
  5. And lastly, something that you own, but don't need and think the other person might use. Thread, rubber stamp, washi-tape, fabric, nice paper, etc… Do not buy anything, the point is to look for something you own but don't need. 

By sending me an email to (This swap is already closed) with the information below, you agree that you'll do your best to hand craft a beautiful parcel for your partner and will send it on time.

interests (this is so I can pair you with someone similar)

-If you have an Instagram account (mine is @giovabru) then make sure to use this tag #theflatswap so we can all see what is being exchanged.

-If you don't have an IG account then send the pictures to Facebook.

-Registration for this swap closes March 9 and I should get back to you on March 11

-Don't forget to fill the parcel with spring thoughts and mail it by March 24 (I think that gives everyone plenty of time)

-This swap is open to everyone, but if for economic reasons you prefer someone from your own country, please let me know in your email.

-I don't think I should say it but I will because it happened to me with one of the swaps. I sent something and I didn't get anything in return. It is simply not a nice thing to do, and I hope it doesn't happen here.

I think that is it. I hope you like the idea and decide to join.

Have a lovely day,


  1. Count me in!

  2. Que belleza!!! que maravilla.............. jm! si yo pudiera............

  3. I would love to join this swap/./.. sounds fabby...hmmm let ssee I love anything vintage, all paper crafts, I .love to knit and crochet, I enjoy reading , gardening , going to flea markets and yard sales and making any type of trash into fabulous treasure.. I also love reading Gods word and love Jesus Christ,,, thanks foe inviting me to this swap and let me know more details as you get them....... im veeeeeeeeery excited!!!!!!!

  4. whoops sorry for some reason I cant respond to your e-mail any way im 55 and live in the USA thanks looking forward to the swap! Yippee

  5. I'm soo excited to do this! I've never done anything like this but I love snailmail and homemade everything.

    1. I would love for you to join us, just send me the above info to my email. Looking forward ;)

  6. uhhh I'm so excited. I've signed up (I hope I've sent for the right email) and now just waiting waiting ... my first swap!

  7. Meh, too bad I only found this lovely swap today :/ Sounds marvelous to me and I'll be checking what is going to be sent around. Good luck with everything.
