Monday, March 17, 2014

Mail Art (attempts)

My obsession with envelopes goes quite far, as you can see here. They were mostly collages and always in the back of the envelope as I was afraid the post office wouldn't allow it in the front.

Apparently you are allowed to go crazy with your envelope (so I will see when these reach their destination).  I have taken a clue from the stamps I recently got and went all out with my markers, which I haven't used in a while.

The envelopes are traveling at the moment so I'm not sure whether they made it or not.

This Chinese edition of the Japanese book E Futo O Okuro by Satoshi Kitamura and Motoko Matsuda was purchased a while back here. It is such an incredible book to look at, obviously I have no idea what it says, but I don't need to. This book is Kitamura's collection of mail art, and the book below is Flugge's.

This one was bought on my trip to NY and I got it here. All the envelopes in this book were addressed to Klaus Flugge a publisher of children's books. It is a real treat because all the envelopes are from famous illustrators of children's books that worked for Andersen's Press.

Is mail art something that interests you?? Or you much rather focus on the content inside the envelope? I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Have a lovely start of the week,


  1. The car stamps one is so creative! :) ALL of them are; these are great!

  2. Wow me encantan los sobres!!! Y esos libritos se ven muy coolsitos! Perfectos para la inspiracion!

  3. Este colorido me fascina... Las estampillas, los suenos en esos sobres...........

  4. So beautiful and lovely envelopes!

  5. Uuuh I LIKE it!!! It's a kind of test for creative use of stamps, so I´m curious about the result -- Do you know by now, if they made it to the receiver? :-)
