Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Window shopping in NYC (with jet lag)

When you have jet lag (terrible jet lag, if there is such a thing), what do you do?? I go out window shopping. It is so nice to be able too see things and enjoy the peace and quiet (if such thing exists in NYC).
On my one and only day where I ventured out to walk, I went to see the wonderful window displays at Bergdorf.  The only time when 5th Avenue is so appealing, is when no one is there.

I just love the drama of it all. I have no idea which dresses were made by which designer (sorry). I mean did you see that big, black bear?

So much effort and vision goes into every single window. It is actually one of the few free things to do in NYC.

Have a an amazing day!


  1. Inspirador. Fascinante. Espectacular!!!!! ...."por lo menos, asi lo veo yo" !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love the photos! Those windows are amazing, always...thank you for making me miss NY some more ;p
