Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I am Grateful for...

Since I asked recently on my giveaway what were you most grateful for, I thought I would share with you what are some of the things I'm grateful for.

The truth is I had no post ready for today because apart from the few things I've been making for my Etsy shop,  I've also been with visitors in my house, which doesn't happen very often. I've been going here and there, and basically forgot I had a blog. Sorry for my forgetfulness.

My question on the giveaway was: I would love to know what you're most grateful for (apart from family and all the normal things we humans are grateful for), I want to know a simple thing that makes you say; THANKS! Here are some of mine.

I'm grateful for:

  • my comfortable sofa (from Ikea) in which I embroider almost every day
  • the amazing women I met this year who have become a constant source of inspiration
  • each sunny day, especially when the light comes in where I live
  • the wonderful pen pals who brighten my mailbox (and life) every time
  • the books that have found their way into my hands
  • the things my mind imagines and my hands create
  • all the pandebonos that I've been able to eat, and the thought of the many more to come
  • my crafty shelf and paper basket
  • walks in the Amsterdam forest
  • and how safe I feel in this country
  • strings of paper
  • paper hearts, metal hearts, fabric hearts, ceramic hearts, all types of hearts, especially the good kind of heart, that one is the best!
  • Nina Simone, Louis Armstrong and Dave Matthews Band
  • and silly things that make me laugh

I wish you the best Thanksgiving day filled with the most amazing side dishes and the sweet company of friends and family.



  1. I'm also grateful for my comfortable IKEA couch. Even if it is 10 years old and stained. Love your list of things you're grateful for. I'm off to write up mine now as well (because I do love a good list). Lots of warm greetings from Italy Jill xo

  2. Gracias por los dias de sol y los de lluvia. Por mis manos. Por mis ojos. Por mis dias y mis noches. Lo que me queda y lo que ya fue. Por mi voz y la de Luca, Raffa, Renato, NiNo y Renzo. Lo siento. Tenia que nombrarlos a todos. GRACIAS!!!!!

  3. Yo me puse a pensar seriamente en esto y tu lista es super cool entonces trate de ver que tenia yo en mi lista y estas son: mis pinceles, el papel hecho a mano, la comida de toda porque me encanta comer, la playa que ahora la tengo cerca, las conchitas que recojo, las palmas, las nubes en los cielos azules y los atardeceres...Lorenzo y Emerito...hay varias/muchas mas! Gracias por ponerme a pensar en esto...y gracias por este blog tan lindo que siempre me inspira y me da respiro...TQM
